Monday, December 28, 2009

The Magic Flute

A Clokey Enterprises,Inc.Production..


Pokey/Prickle/either ART CLOKEY or ?

Opening titles "Gumby Theme"/PETE KLEINOW
Title card: Unknown flute theme..
Note - this episode has a special musical theme, so a lot of short
tags with flute,s possibly Ib Glindemann's now housed at Carlin Archives,
are used, along with the standard Johnny Holiday "Gumby Slide Whistle" originally credited to him as used on a Sam Singer Sinbad short from 1965 before those later themes took over

PLOT:Out heroes and a magic flute that Pokey and Prickle appropriate.

"It's a nice afternoon, and Goo's serenading Gumby on a flute that makes furntiure dance [so why don't they just have a Sorcerer's Apprentice thing aorund this?] Pokey and Prickle [with that dry sour and dour voice of his] watch through the window and when the two G's ain't looking, surrepetiously, clandestinely, slyly, and cunnungly....SWIPE I!!! They then drive off but then get into an accident while taking turns making cops, regular guys on the city streets, dance to to the music. The accident knocks the lot of the two into the local zoo, along with their flute, which rolls into the cage and hands of a curious ape, who then tries to be the next Piccolo Pete. By then Gumby and Goo have arrived while the gorilla makes Prickle and Pokey dance [like Egyptian figues]. Goo gets the fl;ute back [by flying, how else] and then plays and no one automaticcaly moves. The music just continues like in a 1930s cartoon into the standard 1960s end titles. The canned score seems to be of the shorter flutes and stuff that earlier would have been Capitol Bi-Q's short stings. Hmm. By the time that thsi was made the cues would have been absorbed into the other categories. I can only think of mood [M] or experimental [X] [Yowp had wondered on his own blog what that was for.]

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