Thursday, April 8, 2010

Toying Around/Toy Capers

Originally Broadcast circa 1957.

Producer-Writier-Director: A.CLOKEY

[This is a pantomime episode, one of a number]

Music cues
Open Theme by LOOSE-SEELY

"Toying Around" title, unknown

Close up of ship toy - "Windlass & Capstain"/PHIL GREEN, EPHRAM LISHEY [ASCAP.COM]
Pokey looks at Gumby [who's standing on his head!] upside down

"Parks & Gardens"/PHIL GREEN

The entire ride through the toystore. - "The Big City Suite 2: The Streets of the City GR 248"/GREEN

Gumby magically does one of those building toy tower tricks of his-"EM-102C Light Movement"/PHIL GREEN [Source: Yowp]

Ties balloon to Pokey, who then promptly ascends through the air-"Picnic or Country

Gumby getting cannon to shoot and rescure Pokey = "Mechanical; L-86A"/SPENCER MOORE & GEoRDIE HORMEL

Blasting our horse hero and making him fall into some horns-"Light movment Eerie 5-ZR-49"/GEORDIE vs a vis GEORGE HORMEL

Blasting the horns "Romantic Jaunt CB-??"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE Vis a vis CARL CHANDLER & H.WILLIAMS [C&B Library]

Blasting horns-no music, just silly horn sound effects.:-)

Pokey climbs out [the later shorter "Toying around" and the beginning of the later shorter extract called "Toy Capers" repsectively end and start with this]

G&P play baseball with automatic catcher. "Cockeyed Colonel AKA SF-14" [1935]/DAVID BUTTOLPH

Going to Car City-Unknown music and composer

Gumby being beseiged by Cars "Light Movement EM-107D"/PHIL GREEN

Pokey on Monorail, Gumby manages to get him-"Spring is the Loveliest Night of the year" aka that old public domain music theme used in film and animation for years when someone walks a tight wire literally-arranger unknown

Closing theme "Gumby End Title Closing Theme" [Long] LOOSE & SEELY

PLOT: Clay capers in a toyshop first with various toys then in a toy car heaven
as only clay characters can have 'em.

Here's one of those on This Site-as mentioned-just go to Gumby-to Toying Around
During the early episodes Mr.Clokey experimented as before with general pantomime activitie sin a toy store. This was what the first several, the "Moon Trip"'s were, with here our hero skaitng up painting the title with "Gumby in"..then next title card:.. Why, "Toying Around". A ship goes up, as EMI Capitol composers Phil Green and according to ASCAP.COM Ephram Lisfey's standard "Windlass and Cpastam" sea tune often heard elsewhere is heard. Suddenly a face pops up, and yep, it's GUmby who then is revealed not to be a Gulliver, leaving us viewers gullibe. but just amazed. Going into the main part of the toy room, the clay guy then turns upside as me, Pokey, goes for the first time in the epsiode in, and [as described by "historians" Michaelson and Kaplan in 1985's "Gumby" book] in a standoffish fashion turns his own head upside down! Pokey & GUmby then go oin a delivery truck only Pokey drives the truck too fast toward a tower of building blocks with Gumby not yet in there, as the latter waves his arms to stop before getting bowled over literally..they can change places but Pokey gets knocked over.. only for Gumby to pick up him and they both build a tower, Gumby giving Pokey a balloon which carries him away. Gumby then has to get the horse down, into a silly bunch of horns that he blows the orange horse out and they both walk into a catchers close.

It's a mechanically activated baseball pitcher that they leave to a car place. Car City, here they come. Beautifully set up with excellent music and design, it shows a great view of the design that went into these shows with the characters getting involved with cars and a monorail. Pokey again has to be saved from something ..a monorail this time! Fortunately, as that often played circus tune used in the old theatrical catroon and live short subject era and etc. revived by legendary crooner Bing Crosby as "Spring is the Loveliest Night of the Year}", played , Gumby on a fourt go round, so to speak, rides with Pokey sand again for the 5th pop with with the monorail bearing the sign THE END.

Odd and quite unique set up, with in the first half mostly EMI PHOTOPLAY stock cues, and we've got a SAM FOX, a couple of other libaries cues and some whose composers I can;t entirely identify. The "The End" special graphic had been used for these till the sdtand end appeard. Art Clokey's other series "Davey and Goliath" had end titles, only a few Gumbys seem to have them survive [Davey's end titles disappeared in the 80s..]


Yowp said...

At 3:12, it's EM-102C Light Movement by Phil Green from Hi-Q L-35. I don't know what it's called in the EMI library.

Unknown Loader said...

any chance I could get help identifying this typical horror music? I was told it might be from HiQ. Sample is from a movie:

Pokey said...

Thanks, Yowp..I just corrected it.

Pokey said...

Unknown, sounds like it's from "Night of the Living Dead", and thus it would be from Hi-Q Dramatic series..

Unknown Loader said...

The complete soundtrack of NLDEAD is coming out next month. The fellow who was part of that project played my cue, but didn't associate it with that movie.
It's in "Hideous Sun Demon." John Seely is credited as the music source.

Yowp said...

I don't know if 'Unknown' is still here but that movie definitely uses the Hi-Q library. It has the Loose-Seely sound all over the place. I've got the cue at 8:14 somewhere; it's by Bill Loose. I think it's from the 'M' series.

Errol said...

" The Hideous Sun Demon " named music by John Seely, but Seely was simply the source, as in " John Seely Associates ". Yowp had told me once that Seely probably didn't write a note of the music for that particular film. It was the Hi-Q Library. The film has a William Loose cue, more of a stinger with french horns and high trilling flutes that is also played in WB's " Pre-Hysterical Hare " . The first time he changes to the demon and breaks the mirror is the same cue played when Bugs starts the projector and watches the film. Yowp or Pokey may know the exact cut and reel number.

Unknown Loader said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yowp said...

Steve, sorry to get off the topic of your Gumby film.
Errol, no I don't know what that particular trilling cue is. I don't have it. It's probably an 'S' series version of a longer Loose-Seely cue from the 'D' series. There are a bunch of 'S' cues in that wretched Bugs cartoon.
Seely was a musician before he moved into the executive suite at Capitol but the way he spoke, Bill Loose churned out the cues for Hi-Q. He was the marketing guy. I suppose that's why he got his name on the Warners shorts and the Sun Demon movie. It might have been a contractural thing with Capitol.

Yowp said...

Oh, Pokey, if you want to know about 'Tipsy Mocking Bird', go here:

A simple search of the title name and Roger Roger brings up the Valentino information.

Pokey said...

Erroll, I too love that weird trilling cue as Bugs starts the's in the Glob with Gumby and Pokey when the monster pops out of the book. I simply DON'T know who would have composed that, it sounds like a Capitol Q piece..

BTW THanks for the answer to Tipsy Mocking Bird's composer, kind of thought Roger Roger would have written it..

Pokey said...

Seely was listed on those WB films and Davey and Goliath, and I guess on that film Yowp and Erroll cite.

Steve aka Pokey

Pokey said...

I just saw it on YouTube, Paul Frees announces the trailer.

Yowp said...

Pokey, I'd bet the trilling cue is a Bill Loose piece. I have a couple of sides from the 'S' series that he wrote filled with very similar stingers; it may be in there but I haven't listened to all of them.

I'm sorry the rest of the short isn't available to be able to figure out some of the other missing music.


Pokey said...

Yowp, I'd be willing to bet as a wild guess that after checking the Sun Demon listings at and seeing most credits on 'net "databases" [which we know aren't always accurate] that the trilling cue, if it isn't a William Loose one, may, going by credentials, be an Alexander Laszlo cue. He, too, is mentioned by some as doing similiar music, and he's mentioned on every databse for Gumby, Bugs Bunny [the show and that one short] and "Sun Demon".

Unknown Loader said...

Well, this is a little embarrassing (if anyone reads this) because I had the horror cue all along. It's in the movie "Mermaids of Tiburon" scored by Richard LaSalle. The dvd had a music/FX track and I made a cd of it a few years ago. Water bubbling sounds in the background again. Can't seem to find the cue without it.

Yowp said...

Well, UL, at least you found it.

La Salle's credits include the Bob Hope farce "Boy Did I Get a Wrong Number."

Unknown Loader said...

"Boy did I get a wrong..." is right. :)
I know Lasalle mainly for his scifi work: "Time Travelers" "Day Mars Invaded Earth", "Lost in Space"(TVshow). Unfortunately, the fact the cue is on this Mermaid movie doesn't mean he wrote it. The music editor might have added Lasalle isn't credited on movies which contain that cue. Folks on another site dont think he wrote it, but dont know who exactly did. So I'm back to where I started, with a cue bubbling up from unknown depths.

Pokey said...

I found out the trilling cue piece. It's from "The Texan" with Rory's "TC-451 Heavy Agitato":I found it on Soulseek in Agitato's a minute long piece...Bill Loose,Dvaid Rose and John Seely.

Pokey said...

Of course, all of these comments should really go into the upcoming entr on "The Glob", and in fact that will be the next. BTW Here is the Texan theme:

Pokey said...

Here is my review of "The Glob" which as mentioned also used that trilling piece:

Pokey said...


Pokey said...

If I';m right, the La Salle cue is the Loose cue (re the movie Unknown Loader mentions and the other cue that the rest of us mention):)

This review.(that should help you get to the link..)