Originally Broadcast circa 1957.
Producer-Writier-Director: A.CLOKEY
[This is a pantomime episode, one of a number]
Music cues
Open Theme by LOOSE-SEELY
"Toying Around" title, unknown
Close up of ship toy - "Windlass & Capstain"/PHIL GREEN, EPHRAM LISHEY [ASCAP.COM]
Pokey looks at Gumby [who's standing on his head!] upside down
"Parks & Gardens"/PHIL GREEN
The entire ride through the toystore. - "The Big City Suite 2: The Streets of the City GR 248"/GREEN
Gumby magically does one of those building toy tower tricks of his-"EM-102C Light Movement"/PHIL GREEN [Source: Yowp]
Ties balloon to Pokey, who then promptly ascends through the air-"Picnic or Country
Gumby getting cannon to shoot and rescure Pokey = "Mechanical; L-86A"/SPENCER MOORE & GEoRDIE HORMEL
Blasting our horse hero and making him fall into some horns-"Light movment Eerie 5-ZR-49"/GEORDIE vs a vis GEORGE HORMEL
Blasting the horns "Romantic Jaunt CB-??"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE Vis a vis CARL CHANDLER & H.WILLIAMS [C&B Library]
Blasting horns-no music, just silly horn sound effects.:-)
Pokey climbs out [the later shorter "Toying around" and the beginning of the later shorter extract called "Toy Capers" repsectively end and start with this]
G&P play baseball with automatic catcher. "Cockeyed Colonel AKA SF-14" [1935]/DAVID BUTTOLPH
Going to Car City-Unknown music and composer
Gumby being beseiged by Cars "Light Movement EM-107D"/PHIL GREEN
Pokey on Monorail, Gumby manages to get him-"Spring is the Loveliest Night of the year" aka that old public domain music theme used in film and animation for years when someone walks a tight wire literally-arranger unknown
Closing theme "Gumby End Title Closing Theme" [Long] LOOSE & SEELY
PLOT: Clay capers in a toyshop first with various toys then in a toy car heaven
as only clay characters can have 'em.
Here's one of those on This Site-as mentioned-just go to Gumby-to Toying Around
During the early episodes Mr.Clokey experimented as before with general pantomime activitie sin a toy store. This was what the first several, the "Moon Trip"'s were, with here our hero skaitng up painting the title with "Gumby in"..then next title card:.. Why, "Toying Around". A ship goes up, as EMI Capitol composers Phil Green and according to ASCAP.COM Ephram Lisfey's standard "Windlass and Cpastam" sea tune often heard elsewhere is heard. Suddenly a face pops up, and yep, it's GUmby who then is revealed not to be a Gulliver, leaving us viewers gullibe. but just amazed. Going into the main part of the toy room, the clay guy then turns upside as me, Pokey, goes for the first time in the epsiode in, and [as described by "historians" Michaelson and Kaplan in 1985's "Gumby" book] in a standoffish fashion turns his own head upside down! Pokey & GUmby then go oin a delivery truck only Pokey drives the truck too fast toward a tower of building blocks with Gumby not yet in there, as the latter waves his arms to stop before getting bowled over literally..they can change places but Pokey gets knocked over.. only for Gumby to pick up him and they both build a tower, Gumby giving Pokey a balloon which carries him away. Gumby then has to get the horse down, into a silly bunch of horns that he blows the orange horse out and they both walk into a catchers close.
It's a mechanically activated baseball pitcher that they leave to a car place. Car City, here they come. Beautifully set up with excellent music and design, it shows a great view of the design that went into these shows with the characters getting involved with cars and a monorail. Pokey again has to be saved from something ..a monorail this time! Fortunately, as that often played circus tune used in the old theatrical catroon and live short subject era and etc. revived by legendary crooner Bing Crosby as "Spring is the Loveliest Night of the Year}", played , Gumby on a fourt go round, so to speak, rides with Pokey sand again for the 5th pop with with the monorail bearing the sign THE END.
Odd and quite unique set up, with in the first half mostly EMI PHOTOPLAY stock cues, and we've got a SAM FOX, a couple of other libaries cues and some whose composers I can;t entirely identify. The "The End" special graphic had been used for these till the sdtand end appeard. Art Clokey's other series "Davey and Goliath" had end titles, only a few Gumbys seem to have them survive [Davey's end titles disappeared in the 80s..]
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Little Lost Pony/The Blockheads
Originally broadcast fall 1956
Produced, Written & Directed: Art Clokey
Gumby/His mother/RUTH EGGLESTON
Pokey/ALl others/ART CLOKEY
Music cues
[No Gumby open/close titles until 1962 reissues]
Open "Heading Home"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE [David Rose, re-arr.Cadkin-B'Stone]
Gumby watching TV Unknown tune & Composer
Gumby asking him mom he he can go out and being told yes, so long as he washes his hands, and doing both."Fashion Fox Trot 5-C-13"/BILL LOOSE [Bill Loose]
Running and getting dressed:Unknown xylophone/HENRY RUSSELL?
Playing with a blown up beach ball "Light Movement 3-ZR-47"/GEORDIE HORMEL [From the Zephyr Records Library][actual composer unknown]
Seeing the train and good old your truly for the first time "[CB-??]Passing Train"/HARRY BLUESTONE [From the old C&B/Musi-Que Home Movie firm/Diane Music] [Bluestone-Cadkin]
G&P intro'ing themselvesd to each other Unknown Western cowboy cue and composer
Blockheads making their not so grand entry... "Comedy Underscore 4-ZR-78"/SPENCER MOORE & GEORDIE HORMEL [from the old Zephyr Records professiional service; actual composer not certain]
Gumby entering the west Reprise of "Heading Home"/BLUESTONE & CADKIN
1957-58 Blockhead Title open Unknown cue and composer
Gumby and Pokey going into the book [reused footage in reisued shorter "separate short" "The Block-Heads"] "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/PHIL GREEN [imported from EMI][Phil Green]
Blockheads sneaking into book "Animation Comedy 4-L-80"/SPENCER MOORE [Zephyr, actual writer unknown]
Gumby and Pokey going into Saloon but Gumby having trouble going into it due to doors playing tricks with him "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/GREEN
Pokey asking Gumby what he's having, Gumby telling him, the
Blockheads sneaking up to slip ice cream in his shake "Comedy Underscore 4-L-80"/S.
Blockheads pulling Pokey outside, Pokey whinnies like REAL horse and to end Unknown dramatic sounding cue with composer not known
PLOT: (drumroll puh-lease) Heh-ere'''s John-I mean POKEY (I take a bow). And the Blockheads.
This was me--the little ole blogmaster me-Pokey--the orange horse of this blog's---first appearance. Originally on the old Howdy Doody show, it was divided into the shorter "Little Lost Pony" and "Blockheads", showing that a) episodes here got divided oddly, b) Gumby likes HIS milkshakes ICE CREAMLESS, c) Western bar doors play some pretty odd tricks and d) Boys loves equines as much as chicks do, well, almost as once. And YES, Gumby is a BOY....
Starting with Gumby listening to what sounds like an old newsreel OR radio clip theme, Gumby's mom has Gumby turning the TV down.; Gumby with his mother Gumba's blessing goes outside, playing wiht a ball and showing how differently shaped he can be. Then he hears Pokey for the first time, on a railroad track. Gumby thinks of saving him. SO do the first time as well villianous BLOCKHEADS, men of little words [make that NO words], to save him for THEMSELVES--for the ICE cream cones that Farmer Glenn the owner of [guess who--has 4 legs and is orange]. Pokey says his name..Pokey [rhymes wiht creator Art CLOKEY, who does the voice here], get it? Gumby sure does. But when HE introduces HIM-self - Pokey also laughs, but both in fun with each other. The blockheads try to get the two, now in WESTERN STORIES, a book they all go into time and again.
Now, the good farmer gives a reward to Gumbyu--many ice cream cones, but Gumby's cold..as his "Gumbomoter" shows [circurlas top. Window to show revolving "gauge"].
Going to a Western Saloon, the guys get separated from each other as Gumby's divided over how to get in, thanks to saloon doors that try to split him and himself up, making him beisde himself, but the sides do mend, as he requests a milkshake and to keep warm--WITHOUT ICE CREAM!!! The Blockheads at the last moment slip some in [reaching thru the bar] and do what even the swinging saloon doors seen a few gags ago cannot do--split up Gumby and Pokey by kidnapping the "prize pony", who lets out a real sounding whinnying as unidentifiable dramatic music [probaly by Phil Green or Bill Loose?]
Pulling Pokey along and almost to the end of his life within his DEBUT, the Blockheads, showing their creds as to their moniker, make all seem hopeless until Gumby managaes to save the day by cutting the rope and causes the Blockheads to slide out of the book WESTERN STORIES [though not forever].
The episode part "Blockheads" is no way to be confused with the Laurel and Hardy episode of the same name. Pokey and Gumby talk much slower than usual, since this is an early episode. Excellent Western Music, some of it on this page
The Blockheads might have been only temporarily finished, but Gumby and Pokey's successful heroic duty and successes were just starting.
Produced, Written & Directed: Art Clokey
Gumby/His mother/RUTH EGGLESTON
Pokey/ALl others/ART CLOKEY
Music cues
[No Gumby open/close titles until 1962 reissues]
Open "Heading Home"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE [David Rose, re-arr.Cadkin-B'Stone]
Gumby watching TV Unknown tune & Composer
Gumby asking him mom he he can go out and being told yes, so long as he washes his hands, and doing both."Fashion Fox Trot 5-C-13"/BILL LOOSE [Bill Loose]
Running and getting dressed:Unknown xylophone/HENRY RUSSELL?
Playing with a blown up beach ball "Light Movement 3-ZR-47"/GEORDIE HORMEL [From the Zephyr Records Library][actual composer unknown]
Seeing the train and good old your truly for the first time "[CB-??]Passing Train"/HARRY BLUESTONE [From the old C&B/Musi-Que Home Movie firm/Diane Music] [Bluestone-Cadkin]
G&P intro'ing themselvesd to each other Unknown Western cowboy cue and composer
Blockheads making their not so grand entry... "Comedy Underscore 4-ZR-78"/SPENCER MOORE & GEORDIE HORMEL [from the old Zephyr Records professiional service; actual composer not certain]
Gumby entering the west Reprise of "Heading Home"/BLUESTONE & CADKIN
1957-58 Blockhead Title open Unknown cue and composer
Gumby and Pokey going into the book [reused footage in reisued shorter "separate short" "The Block-Heads"] "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/PHIL GREEN [imported from EMI][Phil Green]
Blockheads sneaking into book "Animation Comedy 4-L-80"/SPENCER MOORE [Zephyr, actual writer unknown]
Gumby and Pokey going into Saloon but Gumby having trouble going into it due to doors playing tricks with him "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/GREEN
Pokey asking Gumby what he's having, Gumby telling him, the
Blockheads sneaking up to slip ice cream in his shake "Comedy Underscore 4-L-80"/S.
Blockheads pulling Pokey outside, Pokey whinnies like REAL horse and to end Unknown dramatic sounding cue with composer not known
PLOT: (drumroll puh-lease) Heh-ere'''s John-I mean POKEY (I take a bow). And the Blockheads.
This was me--the little ole blogmaster me-Pokey--the orange horse of this blog's---first appearance. Originally on the old Howdy Doody show, it was divided into the shorter "Little Lost Pony" and "Blockheads", showing that a) episodes here got divided oddly, b) Gumby likes HIS milkshakes ICE CREAMLESS, c) Western bar doors play some pretty odd tricks and d) Boys loves equines as much as chicks do, well, almost as once. And YES, Gumby is a BOY....
Starting with Gumby listening to what sounds like an old newsreel OR radio clip theme, Gumby's mom has Gumby turning the TV down.; Gumby with his mother Gumba's blessing goes outside, playing wiht a ball and showing how differently shaped he can be. Then he hears Pokey for the first time, on a railroad track. Gumby thinks of saving him. SO do the first time as well villianous BLOCKHEADS, men of little words [make that NO words], to save him for THEMSELVES--for the ICE cream cones that Farmer Glenn the owner of [guess who--has 4 legs and is orange]. Pokey says his name..Pokey [rhymes wiht creator Art CLOKEY, who does the voice here], get it? Gumby sure does. But when HE introduces HIM-self - Pokey also laughs, but both in fun with each other. The blockheads try to get the two, now in WESTERN STORIES, a book they all go into time and again.
Now, the good farmer gives a reward to Gumbyu--many ice cream cones, but Gumby's cold..as his "Gumbomoter" shows [circurlas top. Window to show revolving "gauge"].
Going to a Western Saloon, the guys get separated from each other as Gumby's divided over how to get in, thanks to saloon doors that try to split him and himself up, making him beisde himself, but the sides do mend, as he requests a milkshake and to keep warm--WITHOUT ICE CREAM!!! The Blockheads at the last moment slip some in [reaching thru the bar] and do what even the swinging saloon doors seen a few gags ago cannot do--split up Gumby and Pokey by kidnapping the "prize pony", who lets out a real sounding whinnying as unidentifiable dramatic music [probaly by Phil Green or Bill Loose?]
Pulling Pokey along and almost to the end of his life within his DEBUT, the Blockheads, showing their creds as to their moniker, make all seem hopeless until Gumby managaes to save the day by cutting the rope and causes the Blockheads to slide out of the book WESTERN STORIES [though not forever].
The episode part "Blockheads" is no way to be confused with the Laurel and Hardy episode of the same name. Pokey and Gumby talk much slower than usual, since this is an early episode. Excellent Western Music, some of it on this page
The Blockheads might have been only temporarily finished, but Gumby and Pokey's successful heroic duty and successes were just starting.

That's right folks, not wrapping, rapping.
Sad News, folks:
Gumby to be gangsta'd:
Eighprl, FL
News - Gumby and friends get gangsta style. Original classics from the 50s and 60s get dubbed over score again with rapping.
No dialogue or sound effects. It was decided to have the gangbanger group DAY41 dub over. Gumby may be seen in TV bumpers with baggy pants a la boy bands, cartoon characters, etc. now the gangbanger group's friends from Eden's Head props dept. has put Gumby in angry gang posters
Eighprl, FL
So there it is.Sad, huh? First Mickey, Bugs,etc. all of these popular personalities have had or now have have all of the bad-expletive deleted [donkey synonym] fashions--Mickey, Bugs and other animated characters, now the clay animated icons, Gumby and Pokey. New animation will come up with now Gumby doing the ultimate now, the most important.FLIPPING FOLKS off in bumpers, t-shirts. Very sad. the only ones before the California Raisins. Hey. I hear raisins are fruits. Don't tell me
Where the geniuses behind this are now-and WHO they are:
Sad News, folks:
Gumby to be gangsta'd:
Eighprl, FL
News - Gumby and friends get gangsta style. Original classics from the 50s and 60s get dubbed over score again with rapping.
No dialogue or sound effects. It was decided to have the gangbanger group DAY41 dub over. Gumby may be seen in TV bumpers with baggy pants a la boy bands, cartoon characters, etc. now the gangbanger group's friends from Eden's Head props dept. has put Gumby in angry gang posters
Eighprl, FL
So there it is.Sad, huh? First Mickey, Bugs,etc. all of these popular personalities have had or now have have all of the bad-expletive deleted [donkey synonym] fashions--Mickey, Bugs and other animated characters, now the clay animated icons, Gumby and Pokey. New animation will come up with now Gumby doing the ultimate now, the most important.FLIPPING FOLKS off in bumpers, t-shirts. Very sad. the only ones before the California Raisins. Hey. I hear raisins are fruits. Don't tell me
Where the geniuses behind this are now-and WHO they are:

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