"Pokey's Price"
Writer/Director-ART CLOKEY
Not sure of Music cues, but they're the newly intro'd now familiarly used later sixties episodes ones, originally used on Sam Singer shorts.
PLOT: In 1621, some pilgrims try to reaosn with Indians-I mean, NATIVE AMERICANS-ahem. These Pilfgrims: A father, his son, - oh yeah---and Gumby and Pokey,too.
Another episode another Thanksgiving story. Here, our heroes eat in the store, now chase after a "thief" who turns out to be (again) a Pilgrim - a young boy, who's now in an appropriately themed history book explaining his Thanksgiving-to-be-tale of woe, with Pokey supposedly in quick sand which iks actually sand over treasure--of Corn, with Pokey drinking some water only to run afoul of big heap Indians.."somehow I feel were are surround: olbserves."Indians NO take our food
Gumby agrees to trade to the Indians, who've stolen their corn, for the corn, at least for a while..with the Indians feeding Pokey some corn.
POKEY!!! Wait!!! Gumby agrees on our sentiments. and PAY for it? The obvious tlak with the Pilgrims begins.
Pokey, after being giving corn by the Indians, makes like in the series earlier Gopher Trouble,1956" and Prehistoric Elmer Fudd in "Prehysterical Hare", 1958, turning trippy colors, with a Rube Goldberg melange of Clokey and Hanna-Barbera sound effects.making the laugh out loud politically incorrect joke of the episode..."UGH! Now I now why the Indians SAY that"[already becoming un-PC pretty soon].then after Pokey's replaced in trade by knives & beads the Paleface and Indians feast begins, with Gumby and Pokey sharing in. Another zinger from Pokey: poor Indians could have had more from having Pokey. But despite their longtime friendship,after Gumby laughs at Pokey joking about the Indians cheated out of their equine prize that way, Pokey hates being called "cheap".
The cue used when Pokey's turned into different colors by bad tasting corn, is used in countless later shorts and in at least one Sam Singer "Sinbad","Wind Genii", from 1964, on Hi-Tops..
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Pilgrims on the Rocks
"Pilgrims on the Rocks"
November, 1966
[Credits actaully still exist here, as many veteran fans will recall]
Written & Directed by
Sound [Effects]
DAL McKENNON [misspelled as McKINNON] and some actress doing a Pilgrim girl
Throughout most scenes with G&P slide-whistle sub theme by J.HOLLIDAY and some unidentifal regular go-to cues.
PLOT:Gumby and Pokey help Pilgrims about to be shiwrecked in 1621 A.D.[This is one of the first of the third Gumby series with the bubble-gum-syunshine pop "Gumby's a part" that influenced the blog title.:) One of few with surviving credits. "Pokey's Price" is one of a few others.]
Happy Thanksgiving 2010 here, so here's a celebration---the early of the later 60s Gumby shorts, both celebrating Pilgrims.
Thanksgiving with Gumby and Pokey, finding Pilgrims, almost doesn't happen \due to a Mayflower's showers.
Happy Thanksgiving 2010 here, so here's a celebration---the early of the later 60s Gumby shorts, both celebrating Pilgrims.
With Thanksgiving here, here are two shorts shown back to back with G&P. For the first time, the remaining defining canned music, most apparently by Guenther E.Kauer and Doug Lackey [their cues from this time appear on Sinbad cartoons and ASCAP has these for here--these names certainly are not to be found on other shows using the more common Capitol/Hi-Q stock cues from the 1950s..], which would set the stage for the sound of the later more "pubescent" like Gumbys of the 60s, sometimes mentioned as the "Scrappy"/"Cousin Oliver" of the "Brady Bunch" shark jumping stage of Gumby [along with indivdual new regular charcters], luming these later 60s vintage titles, in with the truly dreadful 80s ones [which is unfair to these 60s ones.]. Hans COnzellman and Delle Haensch credited on ASCAP for doing some of these, and as I have noted before, a big handful of these turn up in Selected Sound Library, sold by APM like so many of the others these days, and on APM.COM or PLAY PRODUCTION MUSIC's audition site--see MORE than [number] FANFARES and SlAPSTICK SALAD, and sure enough severeal "Savriete" cues by CONZELMANN & HAENSCH turn up on Gumby, also Ren and Stimpy [the unofficial Production msuci files offered online have those but credited to Phil Green!]
Credits DO exist for these two early episodes in this latest revival of the clay-franchise, which, with their Thanksgiving themes, for that reason alone are posted here, and for two "patriotic" ones, for another times ["Gumby Crosses the Delaware" and "Son of Liberty"]. This is the only one with the credits on a set, where the others have them on a black background [I THINK all used to, but only those four and the ridiculous 1980s-90s revivals keep their end credits].
We start on a Pilgrim ship in a book in the toyshop. It's 1621 and in the toystore, while the ship in the book rocks and rolls, our friends are in the Gumby jeep preparing for the holidays, when they wind up chasing after groceries and, you guessed it---land in the book right nin the pilgrims. Now the dice, uh, tumbled in and of course, Gumby and Pokey's stuck in a ship that shakes, rattles, and rolls, as Gumby and Pokey get on a roll themselves, to try to help during the storm, with Pokey fussing as usual..
They use a ship rope, Gumby, and hammer and nails to repair a couple of ship girders. Finally, the storm passes. We now are in 1966 again, in the toystore. GUESS what Pokey learned. GUESS what the lesson learns. Ahhhhh... He's thankful on Thanksgiving NEVER to be a PILGRIM. AHHHHH..
The credits follow, masterfully and beautifully photographed [Ace codirector Ray Peck is the credited co-director and photography person.]
Dal Mc Kennon tries to do Gumby as a more normal teenage boy, whcih makes him sound like Fugmation's version of Archie. And why no? Same voice. But it's the same Gumby...this and the next three shorts in this early batch of later episodes with credits, and the "Missilebird", thus making it clearly the earliest and again with a 196c (c), a clear cut example of the first Gumby episode, and I'm referring to the later "Missiblebird", to have the famous theme that originated the blog title here. But that's a bit later. The highpitched fluty theme, borrowed from some library that Sam Singer had used staff sound and music editor Johnny Holiday score his shorts like Sinbad with, the eventual instrumental sub-theme that would burn itself in minds of veiwers itself, is perhaps first used in Gumby episodes here. Thankls to both Clokey and Peck for the unqiue photography on end credits.
BTW Have you heard the Doors big 1970 hit-Riders on the Storm, Pilgrims on the Storm? ...
November, 1966
[Credits actaully still exist here, as many veteran fans will recall]
Written & Directed by
Sound [Effects]
DAL McKENNON [misspelled as McKINNON] and some actress doing a Pilgrim girl
Throughout most scenes with G&P slide-whistle sub theme by J.HOLLIDAY and some unidentifal regular go-to cues.
PLOT:Gumby and Pokey help Pilgrims about to be shiwrecked in 1621 A.D.[This is one of the first of the third Gumby series with the bubble-gum-syunshine pop "Gumby's a part" that influenced the blog title.:) One of few with surviving credits. "Pokey's Price" is one of a few others.]
Happy Thanksgiving 2010 here, so here's a celebration---the early of the later 60s Gumby shorts, both celebrating Pilgrims.
Thanksgiving with Gumby and Pokey, finding Pilgrims, almost doesn't happen \due to a Mayflower's showers.
Happy Thanksgiving 2010 here, so here's a celebration---the early of the later 60s Gumby shorts, both celebrating Pilgrims.
With Thanksgiving here, here are two shorts shown back to back with G&P. For the first time, the remaining defining canned music, most apparently by Guenther E.Kauer and Doug Lackey [their cues from this time appear on Sinbad cartoons and ASCAP has these for here--these names certainly are not to be found on other shows using the more common Capitol/Hi-Q stock cues from the 1950s..], which would set the stage for the sound of the later more "pubescent" like Gumbys of the 60s, sometimes mentioned as the "Scrappy"/"Cousin Oliver" of the "Brady Bunch" shark jumping stage of Gumby [along with indivdual new regular charcters], luming these later 60s vintage titles, in with the truly dreadful 80s ones [which is unfair to these 60s ones.]. Hans COnzellman and Delle Haensch credited on ASCAP for doing some of these, and as I have noted before, a big handful of these turn up in Selected Sound Library, sold by APM like so many of the others these days, and on APM.COM or PLAY PRODUCTION MUSIC's audition site--see MORE than [number] FANFARES and SlAPSTICK SALAD, and sure enough severeal "Savriete" cues by CONZELMANN & HAENSCH turn up on Gumby, also Ren and Stimpy [the unofficial Production msuci files offered online have those but credited to Phil Green!]
Credits DO exist for these two early episodes in this latest revival of the clay-franchise, which, with their Thanksgiving themes, for that reason alone are posted here, and for two "patriotic" ones, for another times ["Gumby Crosses the Delaware" and "Son of Liberty"]. This is the only one with the credits on a set, where the others have them on a black background [I THINK all used to, but only those four and the ridiculous 1980s-90s revivals keep their end credits].
We start on a Pilgrim ship in a book in the toyshop. It's 1621 and in the toystore, while the ship in the book rocks and rolls, our friends are in the Gumby jeep preparing for the holidays, when they wind up chasing after groceries and, you guessed it---land in the book right nin the pilgrims. Now the dice, uh, tumbled in and of course, Gumby and Pokey's stuck in a ship that shakes, rattles, and rolls, as Gumby and Pokey get on a roll themselves, to try to help during the storm, with Pokey fussing as usual..
They use a ship rope, Gumby, and hammer and nails to repair a couple of ship girders. Finally, the storm passes. We now are in 1966 again, in the toystore. GUESS what Pokey learned. GUESS what the lesson learns. Ahhhhh... He's thankful on Thanksgiving NEVER to be a PILGRIM. AHHHHH..
The credits follow, masterfully and beautifully photographed [Ace codirector Ray Peck is the credited co-director and photography person.]
Dal Mc Kennon tries to do Gumby as a more normal teenage boy, whcih makes him sound like Fugmation's version of Archie. And why no? Same voice. But it's the same Gumby...this and the next three shorts in this early batch of later episodes with credits, and the "Missilebird", thus making it clearly the earliest and again with a 196c (c), a clear cut example of the first Gumby episode, and I'm referring to the later "Missiblebird", to have the famous theme that originated the blog title here. But that's a bit later. The highpitched fluty theme, borrowed from some library that Sam Singer had used staff sound and music editor Johnny Holiday score his shorts like Sinbad with, the eventual instrumental sub-theme that would burn itself in minds of veiwers itself, is perhaps first used in Gumby episodes here. Thankls to both Clokey and Peck for the unqiue photography on end credits.
BTW Have you heard the Doors big 1970 hit-Riders on the Storm, Pilgrims on the Storm? ...
The Witty Witch
Originall Broadcast 1962? Sponsored by LAKESIDE TOYS.
Gumby/Pokey/"Frank Fontaine" Spider Monster/DAL McKENNON
Opening "Gumby theme"/BILL LOOSE, JOHN SEELY
Title [no music, just sound FX of Witch's Cauldron bubbling]
[witch, helicopter, Gumby and Pokey suspended]/probaly JB or E, one fo the "Night of the Dead" tracks.
Witch Carrying Gumby & Pokey in helicopter/BILL LOOSE or JACK MEAKIN?
"Fontaine/Crazy Guggenheim" monster appearing as Pokey, stills suspended from Witch's chopper, looks" "Comedy Mysterioso" ZR-53/GEORGE HORMEL [used a lot on "Ruff and Reddy"]
Gumby and Pokey imprisoned "Comedy Time-Pass 5-JB-214"/BILL LOOSE [and Emil Cadkin?]
Gumby and Pokey now in theatre [see below]:"JB-216 Comedy Mechanical", also titled "Comedy Military"]/BILL LOOSE, EMIL CADKIN [and NELSON RIDDLE?]
No music for reat of this scene
Finale, Gumby & Pokey emerge from book:"The Jerk aka PG-285"/PHILLIP GREEN
Closing Music and title/SEELY-LOOSE
PLOT:It's Haloween and our friend the witch has a suprise for our friends.
Catching up in between Halloween and Thanksgiving, here are posts for Halloween and Thankgiving, so a Halloween treat tobe thankful for are these four entries in one night. Witches tend to be very surprsing, especially in this show, and this one's no exception: Playing in the standard-issue toy-store setting, Gumby and Pokey spy a Witch's chopper [ran by one with voiced by Disneyland Records narrator GINNY TYLER, also heard elsewhere, and in early Yogi Bear cartoons, supposedly, on Don M.Yowp's site as linked, and profiled in GREG EHRBARH and TIM HOLLIS"S excellent 2005 "Mouse Tracks: The Story of Disneyland Records", which I have, and seen on the [ONLY for me] "Mickey Mouse Club" [1955-1959/ABC-TV], hosting the 1960s reruns.] and carries G&P to a castle. There..they are met by a monster with a [then on Jackie Gleason's American Scene Magazine show.]], radio comic Frank "I'm in other actors's bodies Pete Puma and that giddy yukking lion in Huckleberry Hound shorts" Fontaine [1920=1978] type voice [by McKennon, though, who'd done this then for Walt Lantz's bulldog Champ in Doc Cat shorts to Paul Frees's Doc], who jails with the witch's help our heroes in Witch's Prison-well, what else to call it. A curtain event is to be called, as the "Crazy Guggenheim" type spider says, and our friends debate briefly and after the delightful surprise, they are free. [HUGE spoiler alert..] At the show, like any theatre!! the witch plays a piano and gets a "Victor Borge" bit--one thrown in her face . After this, Gumby asks a convulsively yukking Pokey why he's laughing.
Most music cues aren't entirely possible for me to trace, but it seems the one used before the Hormnel one is one that cult filmmaker George Romero used in "Night of the Living Dead". If so, that's a clue as to a cue from the Hi-Q D series [by that time, the entire librayr when the Dead movie came out was controlled, as it today without practically any of that earlier music for years, by Ole Georg].
This witch reppears in the next short nad in a Christmas short, and surprsingly Gumby never even catches on to her funniness..nor is in the Pokey one that will be touched on, perhaps, this Christmas, and the next one is first dealt with here, but not the FIRST made, of the Henry bear and Rodfy Bird shorts.UPDATE [5/13/11]:Incidentally, thanks to a couple of files from a totally confidential source, I found out what the prison cue, used in the open and later in "Magic Wand" is. Loose's "Comedy Timepass" JB-214, though the JB suggests Emil Cadkin input as well. On L-73/L-74, "Light Neutrals".
Originall Broadcast 1962? Sponsored by LAKESIDE TOYS.
Gumby/Pokey/"Frank Fontaine" Spider Monster/DAL McKENNON
Opening "Gumby theme"/BILL LOOSE, JOHN SEELY
Title [no music, just sound FX of Witch's Cauldron bubbling]
[witch, helicopter, Gumby and Pokey suspended]/probaly JB or E, one fo the "Night of the Dead" tracks.
Witch Carrying Gumby & Pokey in helicopter/BILL LOOSE or JACK MEAKIN?
"Fontaine/Crazy Guggenheim" monster appearing as Pokey, stills suspended from Witch's chopper, looks" "Comedy Mysterioso" ZR-53/GEORGE HORMEL [used a lot on "Ruff and Reddy"]
Gumby and Pokey imprisoned "Comedy Time-Pass 5-JB-214"/BILL LOOSE [and Emil Cadkin?]
Gumby and Pokey now in theatre [see below]:"JB-216 Comedy Mechanical", also titled "Comedy Military"]/BILL LOOSE, EMIL CADKIN [and NELSON RIDDLE?]
No music for reat of this scene
Finale, Gumby & Pokey emerge from book:"The Jerk aka PG-285"/PHILLIP GREEN
Closing Music and title/SEELY-LOOSE
PLOT:It's Haloween and our friend the witch has a suprise for our friends.
Catching up in between Halloween and Thanksgiving, here are posts for Halloween and Thankgiving, so a Halloween treat tobe thankful for are these four entries in one night. Witches tend to be very surprsing, especially in this show, and this one's no exception: Playing in the standard-issue toy-store setting, Gumby and Pokey spy a Witch's chopper [ran by one with voiced by Disneyland Records narrator GINNY TYLER, also heard elsewhere, and in early Yogi Bear cartoons, supposedly, on Don M.Yowp's site as linked, and profiled in GREG EHRBARH and TIM HOLLIS"S excellent 2005 "Mouse Tracks: The Story of Disneyland Records", which I have, and seen on the [ONLY for me] "Mickey Mouse Club" [1955-1959/ABC-TV], hosting the 1960s reruns.] and carries G&P to a castle. There..they are met by a monster with a [then on Jackie Gleason's American Scene Magazine show.]], radio comic Frank "I'm in other actors's bodies Pete Puma and that giddy yukking lion in Huckleberry Hound shorts" Fontaine [1920=1978] type voice [by McKennon, though, who'd done this then for Walt Lantz's bulldog Champ in Doc Cat shorts to Paul Frees's Doc], who jails with the witch's help our heroes in Witch's Prison-well, what else to call it. A curtain event is to be called, as the "Crazy Guggenheim" type spider says, and our friends debate briefly and after the delightful surprise, they are free. [HUGE spoiler alert..]
Most music cues aren't entirely possible for me to trace, but it seems the one used before the Hormnel one is one that cult filmmaker George Romero used in "Night of the Living Dead". If so, that's a clue as to a cue from the Hi-Q D series [by that time, the entire librayr when the Dead movie came out was controlled, as it today without practically any of that earlier music for years, by Ole Georg].
This witch reppears in the next short nad in a Christmas short, and surprsingly Gumby never even catches on to her funniness..nor is in the Pokey one that will be touched on, perhaps, this Christmas, and the next one is first dealt with here, but not the FIRST made, of the Henry bear and Rodfy Bird shorts.UPDATE [5/13/11]:Incidentally, thanks to a couple of files from a totally confidential source, I found out what the prison cue, used in the open and later in "Magic Wand" is. Loose's "Comedy Timepass" JB-214, though the JB suggests Emil Cadkin input as well. On L-73/L-74, "Light Neutrals".
Dragon Witch
A GUMBY SPECIAL-Aired on the show but an attempted supporting segment, one of at least three.
First Aired:Circa 1962.
Henry the Bear/DAL McKENNON[?]
Rodgy the little clay bird/]JUNIUS MATTHEWS?
Dragon/Either FRANK NELSON or someone imitating him
All from SAM FOX and all suppsoedly composed by BOB MERSEY, all now aviable as retitled on CARLIN, re-credited to a DAVID MORSE
"Beatnik"/ROBERT MERSEY-the entire toyshop scene, including our heroes hearing the witch
"Flutesville"-Entering the forest"/ROBER MERSERY
"Jazz Dramatic"/ROBERT MERSEY"-hearing and saving dragon from witch
"Call Girl"/ROBERT MERSEY-Witch thanks Henry, causes Rodgy to faint, Henry and Rodgy have gently argumentive talk, and closing title
PLOT:Similair to "Scrooge Loose" Roy Rogers, Knights, and oh my! Not to mention a dragon eating the witch that owns him!
Briefly: Henry and Rogy in a fairy tale about a dragon..
Opens with Henry the Cowboy Bear, who also's a knight-a "little of both"-as he admits..to clay BFF Rodgy [BB=Best Friend Forever..LOL], and in-----yup, a toystore..;)----they hear that witch we know from "Witty Witch" and "Santa Witch", and go inside a book [sound familiar?:)], but Rodgy is a reluctant little nut, though he does have some more common sense..but Henry keeps saying, and showing when he spies a "Frank Nelson-WELLLL!!!" sounding smart alecky dragon [NO Chinese accent HERE, despite the proper national font for the title!!!!!] he does the hero vs villoian thing against the DRAGON, that "we animals must be kind to humans!"
Taking a rope [and from every earlier would be comedy hero, a leaf] the bear gets the reticent little boid to catch dragon, alleviating his anti-melting fears [sort of]. Rodger goes after the dragon,a nd decoys him just in time to be melted, as he'd feared, but onbly temporarily, while Henry's trick to land a freshy caught fish-I meant DRAGON, succeeds, as the bear shows the bird his loyalty by remolding him, only to see the WITCH. It's even more shocking. SHE'S LOOKING down, admiring Rodgy, thus proving Henry's belief in the witch. Of course Rodgy acts rudely, frightening, scared, and waxed petty about her. To a disappointed-in-his-pal bear:"That dragon---a LADY"?
This is not just the first time that I'm revweing one of these shorts, but one with the earky 60s "beat" jazz music mentioned above. Spiderman and Courageous Cat used a lot of this,too. A blog had a file site called Music fom Spiderman with these, which I recognized MUCH to my surprised. They're listed as played by Det Moor orchestra.This, "Who's What", and the Gumby short "Hot Rod Granny", all used these cues, they're from X and a confidentail source has noted that he's told of the GO lisating for them. Surprised given the Sam Fox/Synchro origin that these aren't SF but then they came from Boosey and Hawkes before, I hear from elsewhere.
The dialogue's excellent..between apparently Don Messick doing both roles, though it's still foggy as to the males here. The dragon's voice is definitely hilariy..a lot of direct decisions by Henry and Rodgy as to their opinions on dragon and witch adventures, and the dragon himself, why he is eating the withc who owns him...though the witch herelf doens't appear much. Title card is similair to "Whos' What"?
A GUMBY SPECIAL-Aired on the show but an attempted supporting segment, one of at least three.
First Aired:Circa 1962.
Henry the Bear/DAL McKENNON[?]
Rodgy the little clay bird/]JUNIUS MATTHEWS?
Dragon/Either FRANK NELSON or someone imitating him
All from SAM FOX and all suppsoedly composed by BOB MERSEY, all now aviable as retitled on CARLIN, re-credited to a DAVID MORSE
"Beatnik"/ROBERT MERSEY-the entire toyshop scene, including our heroes hearing the witch
"Flutesville"-Entering the forest"/ROBER MERSERY
"Jazz Dramatic"/ROBERT MERSEY"-hearing and saving dragon from witch
"Call Girl"/ROBERT MERSEY-Witch thanks Henry, causes Rodgy to faint, Henry and Rodgy have gently argumentive talk, and closing title
PLOT:Similair to "Scrooge Loose" Roy Rogers, Knights, and oh my! Not to mention a dragon eating the witch that owns him!
Briefly: Henry and Rogy in a fairy tale about a dragon..
Opens with Henry the Cowboy Bear, who also's a knight-a "little of both"-as he admits..to clay BFF Rodgy [BB=Best Friend Forever..LOL], and in-----yup, a toystore..;)----they hear that witch we know from "Witty Witch" and "Santa Witch", and go inside a book [sound familiar?:)], but Rodgy is a reluctant little nut, though he does have some more common sense..but Henry keeps saying, and showing when he spies a "Frank Nelson-WELLLL!!!" sounding smart alecky dragon [NO Chinese accent HERE, despite the proper national font for the title!!!!!] he does the hero vs villoian thing against the DRAGON, that "we animals must be kind to humans!"
Taking a rope [and from every earlier would be comedy hero, a leaf] the bear gets the reticent little boid to catch dragon, alleviating his anti-melting fears [sort of]. Rodger goes after the dragon,a nd decoys him just in time to be melted, as he'd feared, but onbly temporarily, while Henry's trick to land a freshy caught fish-I meant DRAGON, succeeds, as the bear shows the bird his loyalty by remolding him, only to see the WITCH. It's even more shocking. SHE'S LOOKING down, admiring Rodgy, thus proving Henry's belief in the witch. Of course Rodgy acts rudely, frightening, scared, and waxed petty about her. To a disappointed-in-his-pal bear:"That dragon---a LADY"?
This is not just the first time that I'm revweing one of these shorts, but one with the earky 60s "beat" jazz music mentioned above. Spiderman and Courageous Cat used a lot of this,too. A blog had a file site called Music fom Spiderman with these, which I recognized MUCH to my surprised. They're listed as played by Det Moor orchestra.This, "Who's What", and the Gumby short "Hot Rod Granny", all used these cues, they're from X and a confidentail source has noted that he's told of the GO lisating for them. Surprised given the Sam Fox/Synchro origin that these aren't SF but then they came from Boosey and Hawkes before, I hear from elsewhere.
The dialogue's excellent..between apparently Don Messick doing both roles, though it's still foggy as to the males here. The dragon's voice is definitely hilariy..a lot of direct decisions by Henry and Rodgy as to their opinions on dragon and witch adventures, and the dragon himself, why he is eating the withc who owns him...though the witch herelf doens't appear much. Title card is similair to "Whos' What"?
Who's What
"Who's What"-The first of the Henry and Rodgy supporting series
Unverified for now-see below
"(Unknown) Opening theme"/ROBERT MERSEY?
Contains entirely unverified cool jazz cues from Sam Fox, which is normally SF coded but is GO here, in the X series. See below..
Plot: The debut of two new stars, with one creating the other, one named Henry, with a hilarious creationist argument.
With sucesss bgets more ideas, and the second in this attempted new one has a timely theme, just after Halloween, and with the Holidays, you'll see special holiday ones..the second of Hallowween ones in the second of this [the pirate one that closed it, "Treasure for Henry", to follow later] and then the two pilgrim themed ones..
In the early sixties, after the MAJOR success of a certain clayboy and horse, Clokey must have gotten the idea to do an attempted supporting segment, and this with a Henry the Bear VERY unlike Chuck Jones's one, and a NYC sounding clay bird, Rodgy became the unlikely result..
It's the birth of the cool, as we're venturing into different canned music terrority here, and in the next two, the Pilgrim-themed ones..
The open titles of this and the others bill it as a Gumby Special,. with Gumby and Henry standing one one side, and morphing into the title, as the normal theme but Hanna-Barbera sound FX [used elsehwere in the series] play.
This would turn up on a lot of other shows. We start with the cool jazz, apparently by Robert Mersey, then the just departed of 2012)Andy William's top conductor about to help Andy turn "I Can't Get Used to Losing You" into a major easy listening early 1960s hit and Andy into one of the last stars who himself could eaisy fit into the Clokey domestic world,yes, two very different music styles here.But going over stock cues and music in general---ins't that the norm??
PLOT:Weird animals, and a laid back college ursine hipster just trying to keep things under control. ESPECIALLY CLAY things which HE created-that'll show them! First in a brief series.
The story opens in that toystore setting, with sandbox dolls [ONE sounding like Frank Nelson--"We-l-l-l"-a voice imitated in another with the characters-see "Dragon Witch"] mocking our College type bruin for talking to clay, whcih our friend turns into his new clay friend, who talks and bitches about being stabbed, willy nilly as it is, in the chest-"I'll say much more unless you let your hand outta my LIVER". Henry does the usual "he's sick" shtick-talkin'clay. But he soon warms up to his new friend, who's now trying to find himself. When he does, "A boid", he not just crash lands but with Henry sculpting more, runs into into a "puddy tat"[Mel Blanc, or more so, WB, should SUE!!!!;0], then after the obvious chase scenes with Henry in the middle, he does more sclupting of a ferious feline critte.r.."A LION!!'', looking and sounding MUCH like something Shari Lewis would suddenly come up that frightens Lamp Chop!!! The three clay critters in their chase MELTS aways..LOL. Kinda like that Little Black Sambo story without the racism
The effects and story asre definitely unique...this is that old creator talking to creation thing going back to 1908 and a certain dino [Gertie].
Henry's voice would change serverl times, and it sounds like different actors as well as characters and music here, and in the Gumby short "Hot Rod Granny", but in "Treasure for Henry", maybe the last, the more familiar canned music which you'd or I would normally hear is used.
Unverified for now-see below
"(Unknown) Opening theme"/ROBERT MERSEY?
Contains entirely unverified cool jazz cues from Sam Fox, which is normally SF coded but is GO here, in the X series. See below..
Plot: The debut of two new stars, with one creating the other, one named Henry, with a hilarious creationist argument.
With sucesss bgets more ideas, and the second in this attempted new one has a timely theme, just after Halloween, and with the Holidays, you'll see special holiday ones..the second of Hallowween ones in the second of this [the pirate one that closed it, "Treasure for Henry", to follow later] and then the two pilgrim themed ones..
In the early sixties, after the MAJOR success of a certain clayboy and horse, Clokey must have gotten the idea to do an attempted supporting segment, and this with a Henry the Bear VERY unlike Chuck Jones's one, and a NYC sounding clay bird, Rodgy became the unlikely result..
It's the birth of the cool, as we're venturing into different canned music terrority here, and in the next two, the Pilgrim-themed ones..
The open titles of this and the others bill it as a Gumby Special,. with Gumby and Henry standing one one side, and morphing into the title, as the normal theme but Hanna-Barbera sound FX [used elsehwere in the series] play.
This would turn up on a lot of other shows. We start with the cool jazz, apparently by Robert Mersey, then the just departed of 2012)Andy William's top conductor about to help Andy turn "I Can't Get Used to Losing You" into a major easy listening early 1960s hit and Andy into one of the last stars who himself could eaisy fit into the Clokey domestic world,yes, two very different music styles here.But going over stock cues and music in general---ins't that the norm??
PLOT:Weird animals, and a laid back college ursine hipster just trying to keep things under control. ESPECIALLY CLAY things which HE created-that'll show them! First in a brief series.
The story opens in that toystore setting, with sandbox dolls [ONE sounding like Frank Nelson--"We-l-l-l"-a voice imitated in another with the characters-see "Dragon Witch"] mocking our College type bruin for talking to clay, whcih our friend turns into his new clay friend, who talks and bitches about being stabbed, willy nilly as it is, in the chest-"I'll say much more unless you let your hand outta my LIVER". Henry does the usual "he's sick" shtick-talkin'clay. But he soon warms up to his new friend, who's now trying to find himself. When he does, "A boid", he not just crash lands but with Henry sculpting more, runs into into a "puddy tat"[Mel Blanc, or more so, WB, should SUE!!!!;0], then after the obvious chase scenes with Henry in the middle, he does more sclupting of a ferious feline critte.r.."A LION!!'', looking and sounding MUCH like something Shari Lewis would suddenly come up that frightens Lamp Chop!!! The three clay critters in their chase MELTS aways..LOL. Kinda like that Little Black Sambo story without the racism
The effects and story asre definitely unique...this is that old creator talking to creation thing going back to 1908 and a certain dino [Gertie].
Henry's voice would change serverl times, and it sounds like different actors as well as characters and music here, and in the Gumby short "Hot Rod Granny", but in "Treasure for Henry", maybe the last, the more familiar canned music which you'd or I would normally hear is used.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Reluctant Gargoyles
*But without Gumby
Pokey/Prickle/DAL McKENNON[? debatable about Prickle]
Most unknown, except for the bouncy slide whistle heard in a few
"Sam Singer TeleFeatures" 1960s vintage "Sinbad Jr." shorts [like "Wind
Genii" on TVforU and HiTops. Music attributed on that series to "Johnny Holliday" but needless to say that studio relied on stock cues from outside as well].
Broadcast date around 1967.
PLOT: Despite title, POkey, GOo and Prickle try to maintain the latest 1967 Toyshop building before the blockheads acttrue to their name and make like proto-terrorists/
Sorry to have been absent but anyway, I'm once and this time much more often back..
The first post after four months has to do with an odd episode..No Gumby featured [this was true of a few of these going back to the much earlier "Santa Witch"], as well as a almost non-relevant title that normally wouldn't trouble me but only refers to the end of the short.
Anyway, Pokey, Prickle, and Goo are in the toystore building toys to put Goo on and crowning the little Blue Mermaid as queen, with the nasty Blockheads pop up. It's been years since I saw this but if I recall correctly, they use a machine to lift the toy where she's on, then dump it off. The boys then chase after the Blockheads, eventually trapping them and then putting them as Gargoyles on the newly completed structure. Prickle defines gargoyles as ugly statues designed to keep evil spriits away only Pokey-myself-adds that this refers to the Blockheads.
Aside from a trivial title, the Clokey studio tried to spin Pokey off here and before
"Santa Witch"
"Puppy Dog School"
"Goo for Pokey"
[not counting experiments with other characters like Henry the bear and his buddy, a clay bird.]. The cues are the same ones that prove to be quite hard to trace down, but the ASCAP site for this and the Sam Singer productions [which used a lot of these music themes from mid to late 1960s-vintgae episodes] list [and yes, Sinbad Jr.is listed despite that being based on an established movie and legend!] "Guenther Kauer and Douglas M.Lackey" and "Hans Conzelmann and Delle Haensch" for music. The latter actually as mentioned in a much earlier post have music from APM/SELECTED SOUND on 5200 and 5100 series ones and some of those ["Variete Number 1", heard in "All Broken Up"], can even be heard in "Ren and Stimpy"!! But a lot of background stock music heard [as far as this studio is concerned] only in 1966-68 episodes is hard to credit to a composer [though the more familiar Seely-Loose, Shaindlin,etc.cues are still used this late in a lot of shorts, especially those with Nopey like Bully for Gumby, Gold Rush Gumby,etc.]
*But without Gumby
Pokey/Prickle/DAL McKENNON[? debatable about Prickle]
Most unknown, except for the bouncy slide whistle heard in a few
"Sam Singer TeleFeatures" 1960s vintage "Sinbad Jr." shorts [like "Wind
Genii" on TVforU and HiTops. Music attributed on that series to "Johnny Holliday" but needless to say that studio relied on stock cues from outside as well].
Broadcast date around 1967.
PLOT: Despite title, POkey, GOo and Prickle try to maintain the latest 1967 Toyshop building before the blockheads acttrue to their name and make like proto-terrorists/
Sorry to have been absent but anyway, I'm once and this time much more often back..
The first post after four months has to do with an odd episode..No Gumby featured [this was true of a few of these going back to the much earlier "Santa Witch"], as well as a almost non-relevant title that normally wouldn't trouble me but only refers to the end of the short.
Anyway, Pokey, Prickle, and Goo are in the toystore building toys to put Goo on and crowning the little Blue Mermaid as queen, with the nasty Blockheads pop up. It's been years since I saw this but if I recall correctly, they use a machine to lift the toy where she's on, then dump it off. The boys then chase after the Blockheads, eventually trapping them and then putting them as Gargoyles on the newly completed structure. Prickle defines gargoyles as ugly statues designed to keep evil spriits away only Pokey-myself-adds that this refers to the Blockheads.
Aside from a trivial title, the Clokey studio tried to spin Pokey off here and before
"Santa Witch"
"Puppy Dog School"
"Goo for Pokey"
[not counting experiments with other characters like Henry the bear and his buddy, a clay bird.]. The cues are the same ones that prove to be quite hard to trace down, but the ASCAP site for this and the Sam Singer productions [which used a lot of these music themes from mid to late 1960s-vintgae episodes] list [and yes, Sinbad Jr.is listed despite that being based on an established movie and legend!] "Guenther Kauer and Douglas M.Lackey" and "Hans Conzelmann and Delle Haensch" for music. The latter actually as mentioned in a much earlier post have music from APM/SELECTED SOUND on 5200 and 5100 series ones and some of those ["Variete Number 1", heard in "All Broken Up"], can even be heard in "Ren and Stimpy"!! But a lot of background stock music heard [as far as this studio is concerned] only in 1966-68 episodes is hard to credit to a composer [though the more familiar Seely-Loose, Shaindlin,etc.cues are still used this late in a lot of shorts, especially those with Nopey like Bully for Gumby, Gold Rush Gumby,etc.]
Monday, June 21, 2010
He was once a little greey slab of Clay. SO was Pokey, They were rubber toys. And with SPRING Fever. Let's just SPRING ahead and say that when I had some, I kept seeing them getting all WIRED---and when they'd stand, Gumby and Pokey toys, from good old Lakeside--which practically was mutually inseperable from the Gumby toys--were real WIRED-o's.
Yep. Wires coming out of toys. beinding..and those little holes looking like ventilation...causing Gumby and Pokey to have, uh, mettical burstals. Not heavy metal. Just light. Just like this post..
Yep. Wires coming out of toys. beinding..and those little holes looking like ventilation...causing Gumby and Pokey to have, uh, mettical burstals. Not heavy metal. Just light. Just like this post..
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Many of you may kno that composers did variations on compositions for various scenes..and often redid them. But I never though Langworth Filmmusic head Jack Shaindlin did, though. With a career spanning these titles and detailed at Yowp! Stuff About Early Hanna-Barbera cartoons but sadly missing from historian Dave Shields's otherwise noteworthy "The History of production Music" website, which does make use of researcher Paul Mandell, Jack did do many later 60s remakes [in the CineMusic ediiton of the earlier Lnagworth FilMusic library] of earlier cues, as the ones mentioned [BMI.com] and with a number of ghostwriters, but chances are deiniftiely that the familiar ones are the original. This is not meantto be a large post but to make an odd comment or two about older stock cue being remade [and in following months, I may do a piece on variants of such]--and to do a Steely Dan song title quote.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Toying Around/Toy Capers
Originally Broadcast circa 1957.
Producer-Writier-Director: A.CLOKEY
[This is a pantomime episode, one of a number]
Music cues
Open Theme by LOOSE-SEELY
"Toying Around" title, unknown
Close up of ship toy - "Windlass & Capstain"/PHIL GREEN, EPHRAM LISHEY [ASCAP.COM]
Pokey looks at Gumby [who's standing on his head!] upside down
"Parks & Gardens"/PHIL GREEN
The entire ride through the toystore. - "The Big City Suite 2: The Streets of the City GR 248"/GREEN
Gumby magically does one of those building toy tower tricks of his-"EM-102C Light Movement"/PHIL GREEN [Source: Yowp]
Ties balloon to Pokey, who then promptly ascends through the air-"Picnic or Country
Gumby getting cannon to shoot and rescure Pokey = "Mechanical; L-86A"/SPENCER MOORE & GEoRDIE HORMEL
Blasting our horse hero and making him fall into some horns-"Light movment Eerie 5-ZR-49"/GEORDIE vs a vis GEORGE HORMEL
Blasting the horns "Romantic Jaunt CB-??"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE Vis a vis CARL CHANDLER & H.WILLIAMS [C&B Library]
Blasting horns-no music, just silly horn sound effects.:-)
Pokey climbs out [the later shorter "Toying around" and the beginning of the later shorter extract called "Toy Capers" repsectively end and start with this]
G&P play baseball with automatic catcher. "Cockeyed Colonel AKA SF-14" [1935]/DAVID BUTTOLPH
Going to Car City-Unknown music and composer
Gumby being beseiged by Cars "Light Movement EM-107D"/PHIL GREEN
Pokey on Monorail, Gumby manages to get him-"Spring is the Loveliest Night of the year" aka that old public domain music theme used in film and animation for years when someone walks a tight wire literally-arranger unknown
Closing theme "Gumby End Title Closing Theme" [Long] LOOSE & SEELY
PLOT: Clay capers in a toyshop first with various toys then in a toy car heaven
as only clay characters can have 'em.
Here's one of those on This Site-as mentioned-just go to Gumby-to Toying Around
During the early episodes Mr.Clokey experimented as before with general pantomime activitie sin a toy store. This was what the first several, the "Moon Trip"'s were, with here our hero skaitng up painting the title with "Gumby in"..then next title card:.. Why, "Toying Around". A ship goes up, as EMI Capitol composers Phil Green and according to ASCAP.COM Ephram Lisfey's standard "Windlass and Cpastam" sea tune often heard elsewhere is heard. Suddenly a face pops up, and yep, it's GUmby who then is revealed not to be a Gulliver, leaving us viewers gullibe. but just amazed. Going into the main part of the toy room, the clay guy then turns upside as me, Pokey, goes for the first time in the epsiode in, and [as described by "historians" Michaelson and Kaplan in 1985's "Gumby" book] in a standoffish fashion turns his own head upside down! Pokey & GUmby then go oin a delivery truck only Pokey drives the truck too fast toward a tower of building blocks with Gumby not yet in there, as the latter waves his arms to stop before getting bowled over literally..they can change places but Pokey gets knocked over.. only for Gumby to pick up him and they both build a tower, Gumby giving Pokey a balloon which carries him away. Gumby then has to get the horse down, into a silly bunch of horns that he blows the orange horse out and they both walk into a catchers close.
It's a mechanically activated baseball pitcher that they leave to a car place. Car City, here they come. Beautifully set up with excellent music and design, it shows a great view of the design that went into these shows with the characters getting involved with cars and a monorail. Pokey again has to be saved from something ..a monorail this time! Fortunately, as that often played circus tune used in the old theatrical catroon and live short subject era and etc. revived by legendary crooner Bing Crosby as "Spring is the Loveliest Night of the Year}", played , Gumby on a fourt go round, so to speak, rides with Pokey sand again for the 5th pop with with the monorail bearing the sign THE END.
Odd and quite unique set up, with in the first half mostly EMI PHOTOPLAY stock cues, and we've got a SAM FOX, a couple of other libaries cues and some whose composers I can;t entirely identify. The "The End" special graphic had been used for these till the sdtand end appeard. Art Clokey's other series "Davey and Goliath" had end titles, only a few Gumbys seem to have them survive [Davey's end titles disappeared in the 80s..]
Producer-Writier-Director: A.CLOKEY
[This is a pantomime episode, one of a number]
Music cues
Open Theme by LOOSE-SEELY
"Toying Around" title, unknown
Close up of ship toy - "Windlass & Capstain"/PHIL GREEN, EPHRAM LISHEY [ASCAP.COM]
Pokey looks at Gumby [who's standing on his head!] upside down
"Parks & Gardens"/PHIL GREEN
The entire ride through the toystore. - "The Big City Suite 2: The Streets of the City GR 248"/GREEN
Gumby magically does one of those building toy tower tricks of his-"EM-102C Light Movement"/PHIL GREEN [Source: Yowp]
Ties balloon to Pokey, who then promptly ascends through the air-"Picnic or Country
Gumby getting cannon to shoot and rescure Pokey = "Mechanical; L-86A"/SPENCER MOORE & GEoRDIE HORMEL
Blasting our horse hero and making him fall into some horns-"Light movment Eerie 5-ZR-49"/GEORDIE vs a vis GEORGE HORMEL
Blasting the horns "Romantic Jaunt CB-??"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE Vis a vis CARL CHANDLER & H.WILLIAMS [C&B Library]
Blasting horns-no music, just silly horn sound effects.:-)
Pokey climbs out [the later shorter "Toying around" and the beginning of the later shorter extract called "Toy Capers" repsectively end and start with this]
G&P play baseball with automatic catcher. "Cockeyed Colonel AKA SF-14" [1935]/DAVID BUTTOLPH
Going to Car City-Unknown music and composer
Gumby being beseiged by Cars "Light Movement EM-107D"/PHIL GREEN
Pokey on Monorail, Gumby manages to get him-"Spring is the Loveliest Night of the year" aka that old public domain music theme used in film and animation for years when someone walks a tight wire literally-arranger unknown
Closing theme "Gumby End Title Closing Theme" [Long] LOOSE & SEELY
PLOT: Clay capers in a toyshop first with various toys then in a toy car heaven
as only clay characters can have 'em.
Here's one of those on This Site-as mentioned-just go to Gumby-to Toying Around
During the early episodes Mr.Clokey experimented as before with general pantomime activitie sin a toy store. This was what the first several, the "Moon Trip"'s were, with here our hero skaitng up painting the title with "Gumby in"..then next title card:.. Why, "Toying Around". A ship goes up, as EMI Capitol composers Phil Green and according to ASCAP.COM Ephram Lisfey's standard "Windlass and Cpastam" sea tune often heard elsewhere is heard. Suddenly a face pops up, and yep, it's GUmby who then is revealed not to be a Gulliver, leaving us viewers gullibe. but just amazed. Going into the main part of the toy room, the clay guy then turns upside as me, Pokey, goes for the first time in the epsiode in, and [as described by "historians" Michaelson and Kaplan in 1985's "Gumby" book] in a standoffish fashion turns his own head upside down! Pokey & GUmby then go oin a delivery truck only Pokey drives the truck too fast toward a tower of building blocks with Gumby not yet in there, as the latter waves his arms to stop before getting bowled over literally..they can change places but Pokey gets knocked over.. only for Gumby to pick up him and they both build a tower, Gumby giving Pokey a balloon which carries him away. Gumby then has to get the horse down, into a silly bunch of horns that he blows the orange horse out and they both walk into a catchers close.
It's a mechanically activated baseball pitcher that they leave to a car place. Car City, here they come. Beautifully set up with excellent music and design, it shows a great view of the design that went into these shows with the characters getting involved with cars and a monorail. Pokey again has to be saved from something ..a monorail this time! Fortunately, as that often played circus tune used in the old theatrical catroon and live short subject era and etc. revived by legendary crooner Bing Crosby as "Spring is the Loveliest Night of the Year}", played , Gumby on a fourt go round, so to speak, rides with Pokey sand again for the 5th pop with with the monorail bearing the sign THE END.
Odd and quite unique set up, with in the first half mostly EMI PHOTOPLAY stock cues, and we've got a SAM FOX, a couple of other libaries cues and some whose composers I can;t entirely identify. The "The End" special graphic had been used for these till the sdtand end appeard. Art Clokey's other series "Davey and Goliath" had end titles, only a few Gumbys seem to have them survive [Davey's end titles disappeared in the 80s..]
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Little Lost Pony/The Blockheads
Originally broadcast fall 1956
Produced, Written & Directed: Art Clokey
Gumby/His mother/RUTH EGGLESTON
Pokey/ALl others/ART CLOKEY
Music cues
[No Gumby open/close titles until 1962 reissues]
Open "Heading Home"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE [David Rose, re-arr.Cadkin-B'Stone]
Gumby watching TV Unknown tune & Composer
Gumby asking him mom he he can go out and being told yes, so long as he washes his hands, and doing both."Fashion Fox Trot 5-C-13"/BILL LOOSE [Bill Loose]
Running and getting dressed:Unknown xylophone/HENRY RUSSELL?
Playing with a blown up beach ball "Light Movement 3-ZR-47"/GEORDIE HORMEL [From the Zephyr Records Library][actual composer unknown]
Seeing the train and good old your truly for the first time "[CB-??]Passing Train"/HARRY BLUESTONE [From the old C&B/Musi-Que Home Movie firm/Diane Music] [Bluestone-Cadkin]
G&P intro'ing themselvesd to each other Unknown Western cowboy cue and composer
Blockheads making their not so grand entry... "Comedy Underscore 4-ZR-78"/SPENCER MOORE & GEORDIE HORMEL [from the old Zephyr Records professiional service; actual composer not certain]
Gumby entering the west Reprise of "Heading Home"/BLUESTONE & CADKIN
1957-58 Blockhead Title open Unknown cue and composer
Gumby and Pokey going into the book [reused footage in reisued shorter "separate short" "The Block-Heads"] "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/PHIL GREEN [imported from EMI][Phil Green]
Blockheads sneaking into book "Animation Comedy 4-L-80"/SPENCER MOORE [Zephyr, actual writer unknown]
Gumby and Pokey going into Saloon but Gumby having trouble going into it due to doors playing tricks with him "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/GREEN
Pokey asking Gumby what he's having, Gumby telling him, the
Blockheads sneaking up to slip ice cream in his shake "Comedy Underscore 4-L-80"/S.
Blockheads pulling Pokey outside, Pokey whinnies like REAL horse and to end Unknown dramatic sounding cue with composer not known
PLOT: (drumroll puh-lease) Heh-ere'''s John-I mean POKEY (I take a bow). And the Blockheads.
This was me--the little ole blogmaster me-Pokey--the orange horse of this blog's---first appearance. Originally on the old Howdy Doody show, it was divided into the shorter "Little Lost Pony" and "Blockheads", showing that a) episodes here got divided oddly, b) Gumby likes HIS milkshakes ICE CREAMLESS, c) Western bar doors play some pretty odd tricks and d) Boys loves equines as much as chicks do, well, almost as once. And YES, Gumby is a BOY....
Starting with Gumby listening to what sounds like an old newsreel OR radio clip theme, Gumby's mom has Gumby turning the TV down.; Gumby with his mother Gumba's blessing goes outside, playing wiht a ball and showing how differently shaped he can be. Then he hears Pokey for the first time, on a railroad track. Gumby thinks of saving him. SO do the first time as well villianous BLOCKHEADS, men of little words [make that NO words], to save him for THEMSELVES--for the ICE cream cones that Farmer Glenn the owner of [guess who--has 4 legs and is orange]. Pokey says his name..Pokey [rhymes wiht creator Art CLOKEY, who does the voice here], get it? Gumby sure does. But when HE introduces HIM-self - Pokey also laughs, but both in fun with each other. The blockheads try to get the two, now in WESTERN STORIES, a book they all go into time and again.
Now, the good farmer gives a reward to Gumbyu--many ice cream cones, but Gumby's cold..as his "Gumbomoter" shows [circurlas top. Window to show revolving "gauge"].
Going to a Western Saloon, the guys get separated from each other as Gumby's divided over how to get in, thanks to saloon doors that try to split him and himself up, making him beisde himself, but the sides do mend, as he requests a milkshake and to keep warm--WITHOUT ICE CREAM!!! The Blockheads at the last moment slip some in [reaching thru the bar] and do what even the swinging saloon doors seen a few gags ago cannot do--split up Gumby and Pokey by kidnapping the "prize pony", who lets out a real sounding whinnying as unidentifiable dramatic music [probaly by Phil Green or Bill Loose?]
Pulling Pokey along and almost to the end of his life within his DEBUT, the Blockheads, showing their creds as to their moniker, make all seem hopeless until Gumby managaes to save the day by cutting the rope and causes the Blockheads to slide out of the book WESTERN STORIES [though not forever].
The episode part "Blockheads" is no way to be confused with the Laurel and Hardy episode of the same name. Pokey and Gumby talk much slower than usual, since this is an early episode. Excellent Western Music, some of it on this page
The Blockheads might have been only temporarily finished, but Gumby and Pokey's successful heroic duty and successes were just starting.
Produced, Written & Directed: Art Clokey
Gumby/His mother/RUTH EGGLESTON
Pokey/ALl others/ART CLOKEY
Music cues
[No Gumby open/close titles until 1962 reissues]
Open "Heading Home"/EMIL CADKIN & HARRY BLUESTONE [David Rose, re-arr.Cadkin-B'Stone]
Gumby watching TV Unknown tune & Composer
Gumby asking him mom he he can go out and being told yes, so long as he washes his hands, and doing both."Fashion Fox Trot 5-C-13"/BILL LOOSE [Bill Loose]
Running and getting dressed:Unknown xylophone/HENRY RUSSELL?
Playing with a blown up beach ball "Light Movement 3-ZR-47"/GEORDIE HORMEL [From the Zephyr Records Library][actual composer unknown]
Seeing the train and good old your truly for the first time "[CB-??]Passing Train"/HARRY BLUESTONE [From the old C&B/Musi-Que Home Movie firm/Diane Music] [Bluestone-Cadkin]
G&P intro'ing themselvesd to each other Unknown Western cowboy cue and composer
Blockheads making their not so grand entry... "Comedy Underscore 4-ZR-78"/SPENCER MOORE & GEORDIE HORMEL [from the old Zephyr Records professiional service; actual composer not certain]
Gumby entering the west Reprise of "Heading Home"/BLUESTONE & CADKIN
1957-58 Blockhead Title open Unknown cue and composer
Gumby and Pokey going into the book [reused footage in reisued shorter "separate short" "The Block-Heads"] "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/PHIL GREEN [imported from EMI][Phil Green]
Blockheads sneaking into book "Animation Comedy 4-L-80"/SPENCER MOORE [Zephyr, actual writer unknown]
Gumby and Pokey going into Saloon but Gumby having trouble going into it due to doors playing tricks with him "Last Chance Saloon PG-296"/GREEN
Pokey asking Gumby what he's having, Gumby telling him, the
Blockheads sneaking up to slip ice cream in his shake "Comedy Underscore 4-L-80"/S.
Blockheads pulling Pokey outside, Pokey whinnies like REAL horse and to end Unknown dramatic sounding cue with composer not known
PLOT: (drumroll puh-lease) Heh-ere'''s John-I mean POKEY (I take a bow). And the Blockheads.
This was me--the little ole blogmaster me-Pokey--the orange horse of this blog's---first appearance. Originally on the old Howdy Doody show, it was divided into the shorter "Little Lost Pony" and "Blockheads", showing that a) episodes here got divided oddly, b) Gumby likes HIS milkshakes ICE CREAMLESS, c) Western bar doors play some pretty odd tricks and d) Boys loves equines as much as chicks do, well, almost as once. And YES, Gumby is a BOY....
Starting with Gumby listening to what sounds like an old newsreel OR radio clip theme, Gumby's mom has Gumby turning the TV down.; Gumby with his mother Gumba's blessing goes outside, playing wiht a ball and showing how differently shaped he can be. Then he hears Pokey for the first time, on a railroad track. Gumby thinks of saving him. SO do the first time as well villianous BLOCKHEADS, men of little words [make that NO words], to save him for THEMSELVES--for the ICE cream cones that Farmer Glenn the owner of [guess who--has 4 legs and is orange]. Pokey says his name..Pokey [rhymes wiht creator Art CLOKEY, who does the voice here], get it? Gumby sure does. But when HE introduces HIM-self - Pokey also laughs, but both in fun with each other. The blockheads try to get the two, now in WESTERN STORIES, a book they all go into time and again.
Now, the good farmer gives a reward to Gumbyu--many ice cream cones, but Gumby's cold..as his "Gumbomoter" shows [circurlas top. Window to show revolving "gauge"].
Going to a Western Saloon, the guys get separated from each other as Gumby's divided over how to get in, thanks to saloon doors that try to split him and himself up, making him beisde himself, but the sides do mend, as he requests a milkshake and to keep warm--WITHOUT ICE CREAM!!! The Blockheads at the last moment slip some in [reaching thru the bar] and do what even the swinging saloon doors seen a few gags ago cannot do--split up Gumby and Pokey by kidnapping the "prize pony", who lets out a real sounding whinnying as unidentifiable dramatic music [probaly by Phil Green or Bill Loose?]
Pulling Pokey along and almost to the end of his life within his DEBUT, the Blockheads, showing their creds as to their moniker, make all seem hopeless until Gumby managaes to save the day by cutting the rope and causes the Blockheads to slide out of the book WESTERN STORIES [though not forever].
The episode part "Blockheads" is no way to be confused with the Laurel and Hardy episode of the same name. Pokey and Gumby talk much slower than usual, since this is an early episode. Excellent Western Music, some of it on this page
The Blockheads might have been only temporarily finished, but Gumby and Pokey's successful heroic duty and successes were just starting.

That's right folks, not wrapping, rapping.
Sad News, folks:
Gumby to be gangsta'd:
Eighprl, FL
News - Gumby and friends get gangsta style. Original classics from the 50s and 60s get dubbed over score again with rapping.
No dialogue or sound effects. It was decided to have the gangbanger group DAY41 dub over. Gumby may be seen in TV bumpers with baggy pants a la boy bands, cartoon characters, etc. now the gangbanger group's friends from Eden's Head props dept. has put Gumby in angry gang posters
Eighprl, FL
So there it is.Sad, huh? First Mickey, Bugs,etc. all of these popular personalities have had or now have have all of the bad-expletive deleted [donkey synonym] fashions--Mickey, Bugs and other animated characters, now the clay animated icons, Gumby and Pokey. New animation will come up with now Gumby doing the ultimate now, the most important.FLIPPING FOLKS off in bumpers, t-shirts. Very sad. the only ones before the California Raisins. Hey. I hear raisins are fruits. Don't tell me
Where the geniuses behind this are now-and WHO they are:
Sad News, folks:
Gumby to be gangsta'd:
Eighprl, FL
News - Gumby and friends get gangsta style. Original classics from the 50s and 60s get dubbed over score again with rapping.
No dialogue or sound effects. It was decided to have the gangbanger group DAY41 dub over. Gumby may be seen in TV bumpers with baggy pants a la boy bands, cartoon characters, etc. now the gangbanger group's friends from Eden's Head props dept. has put Gumby in angry gang posters
Eighprl, FL
So there it is.Sad, huh? First Mickey, Bugs,etc. all of these popular personalities have had or now have have all of the bad-expletive deleted [donkey synonym] fashions--Mickey, Bugs and other animated characters, now the clay animated icons, Gumby and Pokey. New animation will come up with now Gumby doing the ultimate now, the most important.FLIPPING FOLKS off in bumpers, t-shirts. Very sad. the only ones before the California Raisins. Hey. I hear raisins are fruits. Don't tell me
Where the geniuses behind this are now-and WHO they are:

Monday, February 22, 2010
Finally, more Loose-Cookerly-Cadkin music available
Over the last year, I've seen Carlin Production Music site [PLAY AUDITION site, not the APM one] and the overall increasing offerings from the B&W TV days, on both APM AND PLAY, on the PLAY site, its newer CPM library..first 2, with cues by Philip Green, Emil Cadkin, Bill Loose & Jack Cookerly, all except for Mr.Cadkin a first.
Now it seems three more CD's, largely representing the composers listed in topic title, are added. Some glitches have been done recently with tracks on the first several, changed then not just restorations but happily more variatons on old cues used on Gumby and others [including a personal favorite currently, the 1960 B&W pre-E-Trade talking baby production "Happy",], but hardly ever on HB cartoons..
[And retitled as those interested and who know will expect.]
These three are mostly mid 60s with a number of short cues by P.Green from CARLIN CAR 404 CLASSIC CARTOON FUN!! repeated, and partly re-credited. [From cowriters with Green, "Ken Thorne and Geoff Love" to Loose-Cakdin with Green].
On CPM 5 [mostly Latin and spy stuff] many tracks midway do not play. Still much better than nothing [but NO, the Seely-Loose-David Rose tracks as so often recalled from Yogi,m Gumby, etc. still do not exist.]
Now it seems three more CD's, largely representing the composers listed in topic title, are added. Some glitches have been done recently with tracks on the first several, changed then not just restorations but happily more variatons on old cues used on Gumby and others [including a personal favorite currently, the 1960 B&W pre-E-Trade talking baby production "Happy",], but hardly ever on HB cartoons..
[And retitled as those interested and who know will expect.]
These three are mostly mid 60s with a number of short cues by P.Green from CARLIN CAR 404 CLASSIC CARTOON FUN!! repeated, and partly re-credited. [From cowriters with Green, "Ken Thorne and Geoff Love" to Loose-Cakdin with Green].
On CPM 5 [mostly Latin and spy stuff] many tracks midway do not play. Still much better than nothing [but NO, the Seely-Loose-David Rose tracks as so often recalled from Yogi,m Gumby, etc. still do not exist.]
The lesser stock music libraries on the show
Among the many musical companies used on many television shows in America, at least though from the John Seely Associates wing at Capitol Records Hollywood Special Productions for many years, by now these may be familiar
EMI Photoplay
Langlois/Jack Shaindlin
Omar/Raoul Kraushaar
In last few years, several sites have mentioned also
Zephyr [G.Hormel's company]
C&B [Cadkin and Bluestone]
Many others were offered. Among the more known would by KPM, JW Media, Sam Fox, Valentino,etc.,etc.etc. But here are a few others, beginning with the same letter:
The letter S.
Ever hear of Selected Sound? My knowledge of them's rather sketchy, but two of their guys, the dynamic duo of HANS CONZELMANN and DELLE nee GERHARD HAENSCH have cues on APM thru SELECTED SOUND familiar on "Gumby", and the "Ren and Stimpy"/Nickelodoen era wave of cartoons, credited on Selected Sound [500-5223}? to Conzellmann and Haensch [and Gerhard Trede possibly as Gerhard T. is a Selected Sound name, and still is, and ASCAP.COM refers to a GERHARD HAESNCH [last name then first name, HAENSCH GERHARD-under HANS CONZELMANN's name] and this is on both the Clokey productions, Gumby and Davey and Goliath, as well as Ren and Stimpy if I remember correctly. Such selections as "Variete", as I've mentioned here if I'm not mistaken are heard in both 5118 CONZELMANN-HAENSCH SELECTED SOUND Fanfares [5118/2-track 29] in at least one G&P episode as I mentioned earlier, "All Broken Up".
There are others but I'll save that for later, as far as the Selected Sound service is concerned.
The Southern Library was used in at least one episode, "Gabby Auntie', a personal favorite, the Clokey studio's answer to the old Max Fleischer "Dreamwalking" episode [lately over at ANIMATION HISTORY ANIMATION SHOW FORUM's, it's basically the MAX FLEISHCER FAN FORUM LOL.][, where it seemed EVERY cue--"Cinnamon Stick" [slighted edited, only the open bars;the jointly pseudonymous* "Frank Sterling"], "Comedy Timepiece" [used both near beginning and at end][Arthur Harold Wilkinson], "Capering Clowns [Max Saunders}, and "Chase Me Chester" [Roger Roger}, are all in the Southern Library due to a visit to a music site that shall-ahem-remain anonymous, and also, for those interested in trivia stuff, all of those cues share the same initial.
I've heard one on the same site, from composer Les Bridgewater titled "Fluttering Butterflies" which I've DEFINITELY also heard in a Gumby--probaly "Magic Flute" or "Super Spray". Southern had many of the composers [Roger Roger, his good pal Nino Nardini and others] that may be more known.
It hooked up with Peer, according to a post in Bryan Lord's
Totalrod2 aka Bryan's Lounge due to a comment from LittlGrey aka that little kitten of the blog word, who also interestingly thru his comment separates Major and Valentino.
These and Chappell were also huge publisher of British AND American hits, btw, which probaly should be saved for uh, a more DIFFERENT post, but Southern Music [at the time the later Gumbys as Nopey and Gabby Aunt Gumbitty [which I can verify used its cues] published one of the sillier songs of the time, one of the 1960s top ten US hits, and a guilty pleasure and great voice tester of mine, "Winchester Cathedral", the tune done a la 1920s-30s crooning pioneer of radio Rudy Vallee.
You know..dum dum DUM DUM
Winchester Ca-THE-dral
You're bringing me down..
Peer publishing Vaughn Monroe's 1949 Red Roses, and Chappell, "Poor People of Paris" [one one of the publishers.]
Some other libraries used seem to be rather unknown besides the many mentioned..Clarence Wheeler and Henry Russell [NOT that sea chanty writer!!!] who'd had a stock connection in reverse, due to a composition in the thirties that WB Music publishing owned and would be used in early color Warner Brothers cartoons before disappearing forever and a day in 1940s, "When I Yoo Hoo", and some sources DO give Henry Russell credit [but also another site confuses him with the "Life on the Ocean Wave, at home on the rolling sea" guy from the 1800s, putting them both in one entry.I'd sure like to know who the twentieth century Henry Russell wrote for, library wise and if he adapted, more important any sea chantys. Hey, this may stir some confusoon, The FIRST Henry Russell's Ocean song [yes, that one] is one some Carlin CD..as an archive.]
*"Frank Sterling" is a pseudonym of composers Den Barry & Stu Crombie.
EMI Photoplay
Langlois/Jack Shaindlin
Omar/Raoul Kraushaar
In last few years, several sites have mentioned also
Zephyr [G.Hormel's company]
C&B [Cadkin and Bluestone]
Many others were offered. Among the more known would by KPM, JW Media, Sam Fox, Valentino,etc.,etc.etc. But here are a few others, beginning with the same letter:
The letter S.
Ever hear of Selected Sound? My knowledge of them's rather sketchy, but two of their guys, the dynamic duo of HANS CONZELMANN and DELLE nee GERHARD HAENSCH have cues on APM thru SELECTED SOUND familiar on "Gumby", and the "Ren and Stimpy"/Nickelodoen era wave of cartoons, credited on Selected Sound [500-5223}? to Conzellmann and Haensch [and Gerhard Trede possibly as Gerhard T. is a Selected Sound name, and still is, and ASCAP.COM refers to a GERHARD HAESNCH [last name then first name, HAENSCH GERHARD-under HANS CONZELMANN's name] and this is on both the Clokey productions, Gumby and Davey and Goliath, as well as Ren and Stimpy if I remember correctly. Such selections as "Variete", as I've mentioned here if I'm not mistaken are heard in both 5118 CONZELMANN-HAENSCH SELECTED SOUND Fanfares [5118/2-track 29] in at least one G&P episode as I mentioned earlier, "All Broken Up".
There are others but I'll save that for later, as far as the Selected Sound service is concerned.
The Southern Library was used in at least one episode, "Gabby Auntie', a personal favorite, the Clokey studio's answer to the old Max Fleischer "Dreamwalking" episode [lately over at ANIMATION HISTORY ANIMATION SHOW FORUM's, it's basically the MAX FLEISHCER FAN FORUM LOL.][, where it seemed EVERY cue--"Cinnamon Stick" [slighted edited, only the open bars;the jointly pseudonymous* "Frank Sterling"], "Comedy Timepiece" [used both near beginning and at end][Arthur Harold Wilkinson], "Capering Clowns [Max Saunders}, and "Chase Me Chester" [Roger Roger}, are all in the Southern Library due to a visit to a music site that shall-ahem-remain anonymous, and also, for those interested in trivia stuff, all of those cues share the same initial.
I've heard one on the same site, from composer Les Bridgewater titled "Fluttering Butterflies" which I've DEFINITELY also heard in a Gumby--probaly "Magic Flute" or "Super Spray". Southern had many of the composers [Roger Roger, his good pal Nino Nardini and others] that may be more known.
It hooked up with Peer, according to a post in Bryan Lord's
Totalrod2 aka Bryan's Lounge due to a comment from LittlGrey aka that little kitten of the blog word, who also interestingly thru his comment separates Major and Valentino.
These and Chappell were also huge publisher of British AND American hits, btw, which probaly should be saved for uh, a more DIFFERENT post, but Southern Music [at the time the later Gumbys as Nopey and Gabby Aunt Gumbitty [which I can verify used its cues] published one of the sillier songs of the time, one of the 1960s top ten US hits, and a guilty pleasure and great voice tester of mine, "Winchester Cathedral", the tune done a la 1920s-30s crooning pioneer of radio Rudy Vallee.
You know..dum dum DUM DUM
Winchester Ca-THE-dral
You're bringing me down..
Peer publishing Vaughn Monroe's 1949 Red Roses, and Chappell, "Poor People of Paris" [one one of the publishers.]
Some other libraries used seem to be rather unknown besides the many mentioned..Clarence Wheeler and Henry Russell [NOT that sea chanty writer!!!] who'd had a stock connection in reverse, due to a composition in the thirties that WB Music publishing owned and would be used in early color Warner Brothers cartoons before disappearing forever and a day in 1940s, "When I Yoo Hoo", and some sources DO give Henry Russell credit [but also another site confuses him with the "Life on the Ocean Wave, at home on the rolling sea" guy from the 1800s, putting them both in one entry.I'd sure like to know who the twentieth century Henry Russell wrote for, library wise and if he adapted, more important any sea chantys. Hey, this may stir some confusoon, The FIRST Henry Russell's Ocean song [yes, that one] is one some Carlin CD..as an archive.]
*"Frank Sterling" is a pseudonym of composers Den Barry & Stu Crombie.
BILL LOOSE: A legacy of music, delivered fresh or canned.
Ah..February 22. In the entertainment world, this is the anniverary of..
Sheldon Leonard [1907-1997]
Drew Barrymore [1975-]
Bill Loose [1910-1991]
Chuck Jones [1912-2002]
Here we deal with one Bill Loose, head stock composer of Capitol, who passed away 19 years ago in 1991 on this date. Born Detroit Michigan on June 5, in 1911 according to some references but in 1910 for others, and that's who I go by, he had the usual rise to prominence working in vairous 30s-40s orchestras. Around the bend of radio to television Mr.L apparently accepted a job at the British arm of the pioneering Sam Fox Library, whose music is controlled now by Carlin NY/UK and joined alliances with Oakland native JohN Seely, both of whom apparently contributed a lot of cues attributed to them, and many more just by Loose. For more, go here.
Capitol had started as detailed here two major early radio music libaries. The second of these was called MuTel [Music for Television], ergo TV HAD to have been a group of clients but what researcher Paul Mandell of New York says, far from it.[See last link above, repeated below.]
Around this time, John Serly had joined the Capitol staff and eventually lured Bill Loose at some point, and more outside music publishing and recording/releasing firms more and more grew, the Capitol distribution deals got made more, and the label created its third, and more importantly, first ORIGINAL music library, with complete date of Bill Loose's entry not exactly known, but it IS known that it's who Seely hired as major composer, and then other composers [George Hormel, Herschel Burke Gilbert, Spencer Moore, Emil Cadkin, etc.,etc.,etc., to cop a classic Yul Brynner musical quote] and the licensing of other libaries [both the Capitol, now called Hi-Q, and other labels like Omar and Langlois] took place and was soon finalized. For more got to same link as above.Loose died in 1991 on this date [February 22--btw Pebbles Flintstone was born on this date in 1963..too]
Sheldon Leonard [1907-1997]
Drew Barrymore [1975-]
Bill Loose [1910-1991]
Chuck Jones [1912-2002]
Here we deal with one Bill Loose, head stock composer of Capitol, who passed away 19 years ago in 1991 on this date. Born Detroit Michigan on June 5, in 1911 according to some references but in 1910 for others, and that's who I go by, he had the usual rise to prominence working in vairous 30s-40s orchestras. Around the bend of radio to television Mr.L apparently accepted a job at the British arm of the pioneering Sam Fox Library, whose music is controlled now by Carlin NY/UK and joined alliances with Oakland native JohN Seely, both of whom apparently contributed a lot of cues attributed to them, and many more just by Loose. For more, go here.
Capitol had started as detailed here two major early radio music libaries. The second of these was called MuTel [Music for Television], ergo TV HAD to have been a group of clients but what researcher Paul Mandell of New York says, far from it.[See last link above, repeated below.]
Around this time, John Serly had joined the Capitol staff and eventually lured Bill Loose at some point, and more outside music publishing and recording/releasing firms more and more grew, the Capitol distribution deals got made more, and the label created its third, and more importantly, first ORIGINAL music library, with complete date of Bill Loose's entry not exactly known, but it IS known that it's who Seely hired as major composer, and then other composers [George Hormel, Herschel Burke Gilbert, Spencer Moore, Emil Cadkin, etc.,etc.,etc., to cop a classic Yul Brynner musical quote] and the licensing of other libaries [both the Capitol, now called Hi-Q, and other labels like Omar and Langlois] took place and was soon finalized. For more got to same link as above.Loose died in 1991 on this date [February 22--btw Pebbles Flintstone was born on this date in 1963..too]
Friday, January 8, 2010
Our creator..ART CLOKEY.1921-2010.
Sigh..even with all the Gmby Essentuials and reviivals of the produciton libraries and internet conversaitons, first we lost Dallas McKennon. Then we lose the creator, Clokey, who also served his creator well with the Davey and Goliath series with the Lutheran Church of America. But even though both are gone, the legacy lingers on. So, hanging my head for a while, RIP, Art, and ..sigh.. thanks for all.
Art Clokey, born 1921, Detroit Mich.,USA. d.2010.
Art Clokey, born 1921, Detroit Mich.,USA. d.2010.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Gumby Baby Sits
Originally broadcast in 1967.
Writer-Directors: KLEINOW and PECK
Gumby/Goo/Junior's mom/Junior/NORMA MacMILLAN
Pokey/Prickle/UNKNOWN, maybe DAL McKENNON
Special Sound FX
JOSEPH SIRACUSA [from the old Jay Ward "Rocky and Bullwinkle" stock sound FX library]
[Open theme] "Gumby Heart Song"/P.KLEINOW
Title Card 0:10 PH-447/"Hop, Jump, Skip" short tag/PHILIP GREEN, GEOFF LOVE & KEN TORNE
Silent till Junior and Gumby get outside "Catching the Mouse"[brief wa-wa-quote]"/PHIL GREEN
"London Bridge" like cue?
PLOT:Gumby proves that he sucks at babysitting a brat.
Gumby babysitting a brat. His mother [shown rather form waist down] leaves the kid in trust of our hero, only to have the brat yell at Gumby several commands, and then when Gumby's walking away, the brat gets in his way. Gumby can't even have a chnace to kick a beach ball, not even in anger! All this is accompanied by kettle drum sounds from comic bandleader Spike Jones [1911-1965]'s venerated drummer and comic JOE SIRACUSA, best known for his "Jay Ward/Rocky and Bullwinkle/Peabody" cartoon sound FX. Goo, Pokey, and Prickle come up only to hear:
"Get that horse off the yard".
"No friends over here".
"NO playing BALL"
The four clay stars manage to sneka up behind the kid when his mother-how convenient, right-comes up to get the kid and praises Gumby. Goo offers some jobs as a close gag "for all my friends". This is a pretty odd episode for reasons mentioned above, and one that definitely deserves to be on the next disc.
Writer-Directors: KLEINOW and PECK
Gumby/Goo/Junior's mom/Junior/NORMA MacMILLAN
Pokey/Prickle/UNKNOWN, maybe DAL McKENNON
Special Sound FX
JOSEPH SIRACUSA [from the old Jay Ward "Rocky and Bullwinkle" stock sound FX library]
[Open theme] "Gumby Heart Song"/P.KLEINOW
Title Card 0:10 PH-447/"Hop, Jump, Skip" short tag/PHILIP GREEN, GEOFF LOVE & KEN TORNE
Silent till Junior and Gumby get outside "Catching the Mouse"[brief wa-wa-quote]"/PHIL GREEN
"London Bridge" like cue?
PLOT:Gumby proves that he sucks at babysitting a brat.
Gumby babysitting a brat. His mother [shown rather form waist down] leaves the kid in trust of our hero, only to have the brat yell at Gumby several commands, and then when Gumby's walking away, the brat gets in his way. Gumby can't even have a chnace to kick a beach ball, not even in anger! All this is accompanied by kettle drum sounds from comic bandleader Spike Jones [1911-1965]'s venerated drummer and comic JOE SIRACUSA, best known for his "Jay Ward/Rocky and Bullwinkle/Peabody" cartoon sound FX. Goo, Pokey, and Prickle come up only to hear:
"Get that horse off the yard".
"No friends over here".
"NO playing BALL"
The four clay stars manage to sneka up behind the kid when his mother-how convenient, right-comes up to get the kid and praises Gumby. Goo offers some jobs as a close gag "for all my friends". This is a pretty odd episode for reasons mentioned above, and one that definitely deserves to be on the next disc.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy new year, 2010 [and it is twenty-ten:) NOT 2000 and ten to me.] to everyone..anyway, here's a long overdue look at the first three episodes,
probaly long an 18 minute short on "Howdy Doody" [Gumby's original home base through 1957; broadcast during 1947-1960] with a VERY chunky Wriggly looking Gumby going thrugh near oantimime and eerie Moon adventures.
Y'know, it's funny...producer Art Clokey avoided giving his kids nightmares and made these form his bedtime stories but strangely some of these were freaky, but it did help in the way that old-school pscychologist Bruno Bettleheim and David and Goliath who conviently were indirectly repsonsible for another Clokey show Davey and Goliath had shown, and many cartoons had...trying to face up one's fears, though Gumby wasn't a phsyically three inch high character like many theatricals micd and birds was. Anyhow, this has a very odd, silent, almost "I Am Legend/Wall-E" feel with Gumby walking along the "deserted" [as if there were cities there] moon.
Inconsitent use of very early eerie sound/music [and they really do interchange here] effects.
The Trilogy:
MOON TRIP/GUMBY ON THE MOON/TRAPPED ON THE MOON [at least the first one's in correct order since it deals with Gumby going around in the toystore and journeying to the moon.]
Very few voice roles so the case listing is very different
Producer-writer-creator-director-head designer-voice of Gumby's dad-head animator-scluptor
Voice of Gumby
Music cues
Consists of what seem to be the former Capitol "S" Shorts series that became the later car alarm [Lo-Jack?] sound FX imitating eerie sounds, revealed now on Carlin Production Music: CAS 401: "Classic Science Fiction]" [and this little orange clay pony would like to thank and send a neigh-winny to Carlin for NOT using "SCI-FI", whcih is just as annoying as "Frisco", "Angelo", and racial words.] composed by HARRY LUBIN, a fellow whose music isn't used much in Gmby except for part of Rain Spirits, and again unconventional essentially non-musical stuff. "Floating Bodies" on CAS 401 CLASSIC SCIENCE FICTION is CLEARLY NOT ONLY that VERY eerie "Fweep FweeP'..space sound but the ones even more so as "tweaked" for the aforementioned car alarm sound..vaguly similiar. In the end of one ofthe other syndicated edits from the original, a Jack Cookerly, Emil Cadkin and Bill Loose cue plays now called in Carlin Production Music's CPM 1 or 2, or at once, as "Out for a Promenade", nee "Pleasant Neutral Foxtrot". Most of it otherwise seems to be the odd spacey music by obsucre B movie and show composer, the aforemoentioned HARRY LUBIN. Many archival discs of his are out, and I find it fascianting, the CARLIN ARCHIES CAS 33, but that's for some other topic and besides Gumby did not use anything else by him that I know.
Originally Broadcast: On Howdy Doody 1956, Rerun in 1957 on Gumby/Pinky Lee and his wown.
"This is the Moon. My...AROEGGIO. You RUINED it. UGH you...I never wanna see.." OOOPS, [insert Britney Spears song quote there], wrong title. That's "Small Planets" [1961]. Just trying to catch attention. It is a pleasant afternoon in a toy store and the --- horns please ---- debut of Gumby enters in, looking to see the world [why's that familiar folks?] and after picking out a new powerful 1956 rocket ship with many miles to the jet gallon [is that technically accurate?] Gumby's, like a fledging eagle leaving its nest, a youngster off on his first solo adventure to the moon. The green guy is voiced by a Ruth Elggelston Goodall, accoridng to Art - one book by Michaelson and Kaplan named her, but as a treasuer] was the voice of Gumby here..his mom;s voice isn't yet identified..someone no doubt will no doubt put a name to it.
We know Gumby can use any kind of transport and will, going through the episodes. Where it all began was this eerie trip to the moon where he passses a sinister-smiling Mars then goes to the moon, weights him, gets his Gumbometer [sic], used in a few other types as a thermooniter] and the gravitational weight s for him to bounce. "Whee" is Gumby's only bit of dialogue till the part split from this [more below]. Some evil walking prism/pyramid looking thingys walk in trippyness and pantomime behi9nd Gumby, who sits down. End of the future [a-HEM] "Moon Trip" segment. Either of the next, "Gumby" or "Trapped" "On the moon" follows as he jumps and then gets cahsed, by the prisms into a crater and back in the toy, his dad [CLokey claims to have done that voice himself] intones.."Yep, he's on the moon all right", adding that he's gotta go after him [that's Gumby, his son, and there would be no series----rememeber when Tex Avery sent Bugs Bunny and a dumb dog Willoughby off a cliff in 1941's The heckling Hare"?] Using a fire engine's hook and ladder Gumbo then arrives but Gumby now on seeing him and the weird prisms warns his dad on it. The story is then in limbo for me as our hero's taken back as not only the then current practice making longer Gumbys that later back short two ones in 1962 but an even longer one that spawned a third similiar one with stock footage from the second, not the first third, makes the following hard to determine if the footage from is wound up in "Trapped on the Moon" and the remaining with reuse of the former in "Gumby on the Moon" or vice versa, but "Moon Trip" has the previous story and it's clearly the first of the three. Back in one of these, in the earth hospital, comes the air ung thawing out process. Gumby tells his folks how glad it is to be back [in part two or three] and then skates through the hopsital aisle [first time skating] [the remianing one.] Future longer Gumby's would be cut in two or rearranged or whatever in two, not three. First shown on "It's Howdy Doody Time" with Buffalo Bob Smith, broadcast from 1947 through 1960.This episode was first seen in 1956; It's on [the first third anyhow] the current Gumby Essentials as a bonus. When the later resoundtracked 1988-1993 Gumby series came around, not the voices, but the sound nad music remained the same, possibly because of the voices being the only audio element for the most part. But there was no rights issue over voices here, was there? Remade with Dal McKennon dubbing over in the "New Adventures of Gumby". Whew. Anyway, Happy new year..
probaly long an 18 minute short on "Howdy Doody" [Gumby's original home base through 1957; broadcast during 1947-1960] with a VERY chunky Wriggly looking Gumby going thrugh near oantimime and eerie Moon adventures.
Y'know, it's funny...producer Art Clokey avoided giving his kids nightmares and made these form his bedtime stories but strangely some of these were freaky, but it did help in the way that old-school pscychologist Bruno Bettleheim and David and Goliath who conviently were indirectly repsonsible for another Clokey show Davey and Goliath had shown, and many cartoons had...trying to face up one's fears, though Gumby wasn't a phsyically three inch high character like many theatricals micd and birds was. Anyhow, this has a very odd, silent, almost "I Am Legend/Wall-E" feel with Gumby walking along the "deserted" [as if there were cities there] moon.
Inconsitent use of very early eerie sound/music [and they really do interchange here] effects.
The Trilogy:
MOON TRIP/GUMBY ON THE MOON/TRAPPED ON THE MOON [at least the first one's in correct order since it deals with Gumby going around in the toystore and journeying to the moon.]
Very few voice roles so the case listing is very different
Producer-writer-creator-director-head designer-voice of Gumby's dad-head animator-scluptor
Voice of Gumby
Music cues
Consists of what seem to be the former Capitol "S" Shorts series that became the later car alarm [Lo-Jack?] sound FX imitating eerie sounds, revealed now on Carlin Production Music: CAS 401: "Classic Science Fiction]" [and this little orange clay pony would like to thank and send a neigh-winny to Carlin for NOT using "SCI-FI", whcih is just as annoying as "Frisco", "Angelo", and racial words.] composed by HARRY LUBIN, a fellow whose music isn't used much in Gmby except for part of Rain Spirits, and again unconventional essentially non-musical stuff. "Floating Bodies" on CAS 401 CLASSIC SCIENCE FICTION is CLEARLY NOT ONLY that VERY eerie "Fweep FweeP'..space sound but the ones even more so as "tweaked" for the aforementioned car alarm sound..vaguly similiar. In the end of one ofthe other syndicated edits from the original, a Jack Cookerly, Emil Cadkin and Bill Loose cue plays now called in Carlin Production Music's CPM 1 or 2, or at once, as "Out for a Promenade", nee "Pleasant Neutral Foxtrot". Most of it otherwise seems to be the odd spacey music by obsucre B movie and show composer, the aforemoentioned HARRY LUBIN. Many archival discs of his are out, and I find it fascianting, the CARLIN ARCHIES CAS 33, but that's for some other topic and besides Gumby did not use anything else by him that I know.
Originally Broadcast: On Howdy Doody 1956, Rerun in 1957 on Gumby/Pinky Lee and his wown.
"This is the Moon. My...AROEGGIO. You RUINED it. UGH you...I never wanna see.." OOOPS, [insert Britney Spears song quote there], wrong title. That's "Small Planets" [1961]. Just trying to catch attention. It is a pleasant afternoon in a toy store and the --- horns please ---- debut of Gumby enters in, looking to see the world [why's that familiar folks?] and after picking out a new powerful 1956 rocket ship with many miles to the jet gallon [is that technically accurate?] Gumby's, like a fledging eagle leaving its nest, a youngster off on his first solo adventure to the moon. The green guy is voiced by a Ruth Elggelston Goodall, accoridng to Art - one book by Michaelson and Kaplan named her, but as a treasuer] was the voice of Gumby here..his mom;s voice isn't yet identified..someone no doubt will no doubt put a name to it.
We know Gumby can use any kind of transport and will, going through the episodes. Where it all began was this eerie trip to the moon where he passses a sinister-smiling Mars then goes to the moon, weights him, gets his Gumbometer [sic], used in a few other types as a thermooniter] and the gravitational weight s for him to bounce. "Whee" is Gumby's only bit of dialogue till the part split from this [more below]. Some evil walking prism/pyramid looking thingys walk in trippyness and pantomime behi9nd Gumby, who sits down. End of the future [a-HEM] "Moon Trip" segment. Either of the next, "Gumby" or "Trapped" "On the moon" follows as he jumps and then gets cahsed, by the prisms into a crater and back in the toy, his dad [CLokey claims to have done that voice himself] intones.."Yep, he's on the moon all right", adding that he's gotta go after him [that's Gumby, his son, and there would be no series----rememeber when Tex Avery sent Bugs Bunny and a dumb dog Willoughby off a cliff in 1941's The heckling Hare"?] Using a fire engine's hook and ladder Gumbo then arrives but Gumby now on seeing him and the weird prisms warns his dad on it. The story is then in limbo for me as our hero's taken back as not only the then current practice making longer Gumbys that later back short two ones in 1962 but an even longer one that spawned a third similiar one with stock footage from the second, not the first third, makes the following hard to determine if the footage from is wound up in "Trapped on the Moon" and the remaining with reuse of the former in "Gumby on the Moon" or vice versa, but "Moon Trip" has the previous story and it's clearly the first of the three. Back in one of these, in the earth hospital, comes the air ung thawing out process. Gumby tells his folks how glad it is to be back [in part two or three] and then skates through the hopsital aisle [first time skating] [the remianing one.] Future longer Gumby's would be cut in two or rearranged or whatever in two, not three. First shown on "It's Howdy Doody Time" with Buffalo Bob Smith, broadcast from 1947 through 1960.This episode was first seen in 1956; It's on [the first third anyhow] the current Gumby Essentials as a bonus. When the later resoundtracked 1988-1993 Gumby series came around, not the voices, but the sound nad music remained the same, possibly because of the voices being the only audio element for the most part. But there was no rights issue over voices here, was there? Remade with Dal McKennon dubbing over in the "New Adventures of Gumby". Whew. Anyway, Happy new year..
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